Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dancing naked in the streets!
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[ # ] Dancing naked in the streets!
July 14th, 2014 under VH1/MTV

This Thursday on VH1 they are debuting a new show called Dating Naked. To promote it, they had several people of all different colors, ages and sizes dancing naked with a partner at a Los Angeles outdoor mall. Which makes sense because if the date goes really well, you are going to find yourself dancing naked. Although, chances are you won’t be doing it in public nor will you be standing up. If you know what I mean.
Kudos to VH1 for this out of the box promotional idea because it definitely is making people aware of the show that debuts on the 17th. I know, I didn’t know when it was coming on until this stunt. Which is good because I will watch anything with the word naked in the title. Are you going to watch?


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