Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Crazy date night on The New Adventures of Old Christine
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[ # ] Crazy date night on The New Adventures of Old Christine
November 18th, 2009 under CBS

Christine’s newly single ex-husband tells her he wants her to fix him up and she tells him he wants her to do the same on tonight’s The New Adventure of Old Christine. So she sets him up with Jennifer Grey and he sets her up with Dave Foley and let’s say this double date will have you doubling over in laughter. While Richard thinks he has better the deal, he slowly finds out Christine is the one that made out like a bandit…literally. Tune in to CBS at 8p to see why Old Christine and Richard will never ever set each other up again. Make sure to watch it all the way until the end to see the big news that new Christine (Richard’s ex-fiancee) has for him, it is definitely going to change things up on the show!


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