Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Craig Robinson and James Corden modernize nursery rhymes!
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[ # ] Craig Robinson and James Corden modernize nursery rhymes!
August 13th, 2015 under James Corden

Craig Robinson is a wizard with the piano and yesterday on The Late Late Show, James Corden and him worked their magic with some classic kids songs. They sexed up Mary Had a Little Lamb, rocked out to For He’s a Jolly Good Fella, funked up Wheels on the Bus, got trippy with She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain and finally they brought the house down with the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
What they did was such a joy, I hope they consider releasing an album with those nursery rhymes done like that. I know I will be getting down with the updated version of Wheels on the Bus with my 20 month old niece because that is her favorite tune. It will be nice to change it up the next time she forces me to read that book to her. Not that I have a problem reading it to her.


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