Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Craig Ferguson says goodbye to his Late Late Show studio
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[ # ] Craig Ferguson says goodbye to his Late Late Show studio
August 9th, 2012 under Craig Ferguson

When Craig Ferguson renegotiated his contract with CBS for The Late Late Show, he asked for a bigger studio and they gave it him. Well yesterday the Scot aired his final show from Stage 28 and said goodbye to the small leaky studio that had a lot of electrical problems in a way only he could. Now he is moving on up to the place where Pat Sajack used to tape his talk show. Does anyone remember how well that worked out for the Wheel of Fortune host? Let’s hope that Craig has better luck there. And let’s pray they remember to pack Geoff Peterson and take him too!
I will miss his old stage. I also wonder what will he complain about now, now that he got a bigger studio.
BTW the new stage will debut on Monday, August 27th…if all goes according to plan. I say that because things just have a way of working out for him like that.


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