Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Covert Affairs joins White Collar on USA today!
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[ # ] Covert Affairs joins White Collar on USA today!
July 13th, 2010 under USA Network

White Collar is back on USA tonight at 9p after the explosive (literally) season finale! On tonight’s season premiere it starts off with Caffrey behind bars and Burke is wondering what he has planned while he is in jail. Burke and Caffrey are trying to figure out who killed Kate, but not together…of course. Each episode will have clues to that and what happened to the music box.
Forgetting that mystery, the two men will eventually be reunited and try to solve White Collar crimes together. On next week’s episode Burke will team up with Mozzie in a time of crisis and I am glad they are working together because he is just so much fun. Actually the show in general is a lot of fun! And most importantly Matt Bomer is easy on the eyes.
While Matt Bomer’s looks are easy on the girls’ eyes, Piper Perabo will be easy on the guys’ eyes in Covert Affairs tonight at 10p on USA. She plays a brand new CIA agent who has the worst first day of any job, but you have to watch it to see what I mean. Shortly before she decided to become a CIA agent, she was left in Europe by a man who she was having a world wind affair with. Who is that mystery man and is he back in her life? He will be the weekly mystery of the show, and her solving crimes with blind CIA agent Chris Gorham will be the other.
White Collar and Covert Affairs are two well paired shows and this summer every Tuesday both shows will have out pulses racing, so watch them both on USA every Tuesday at 9 and 10p!


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