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[ # ] Could Mark Cuban go from playing the President to being one?
September 14th, 2015 under Politics
Mark Cuban played the President of the United States in Sharknado 3 and he told CNBC that he thinks it would be fun to run for the real office. Before you are like that is all we need during this election, he is not planning on running, just yet. But if he were to, he thinks he’d be a slam dunk for the position. He told them, he would crush Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in the poles if he ran as a Democrat. I swear, I thought he was Republican.
I hate to say it, but I would probably vote for him. He is a blowhard, but he is not as much of an egomaniac as Trump. Plus, he really knows business. How to control himself during a basketball game is another story, but he does know business.
What is really funny about the timing of this announcement, is that hours after emailing CNBC, he Tweeted to Trump, “@realDonaldTrump have a great event tonight @AACenter. The buzz in Dallas is amazing. You will crush it !” He means you will crush it, as long as I don’t run against you.
Would you vote for him?


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