Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Could Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt lose Zahara?
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[ # ] Could Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt lose Zahara?
November 14th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie could lose Zahara because her birth mother wants her back according to MX.
"I want my daughter to come home to see where she is from," Lebiso, 24, said. "Her grandmother and I both tried very hard to raise her, and I want her to come home to regain her identity."

The birth family claim they were misled. They say a local official told the family they would see the baby again and maintain contact.

Family members hoped Angelina and her partner, Brad Pitt, would bring Zahara back for a visit.

"After they took the baby, they didn't keep in contact. They didn't tell us anything about her," Zahara's aunt said.

Dr Tsegaye Berhe from the adoption agency said Jolie had no obligation to keep in touch with Zahara's blood family.

Jenista said unless Lebiso can find the money for a challenge, the choice remained Jolie's until Zahara was older.   

An adoption specialist in Ethopian said a mother can ask for the kid back that she dropped off at orphanage because she might not have thought that giving up the kid would be ever. Angelina doesn't have to worry about losing her just yet because the birth mother has to raise to money to bring up the case of getting Zahara back. I wonder if her mother saw the pictures of how happy Zahara is with Angelina and Brad if she would still want her back. 

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