Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Corey Haim’s mom says his cause of death was pulmonary congestion.
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[ # ] Corey Haim’s mom says his cause of death was pulmonary congestion.
March 11th, 2010 under The Two Coreys

Corey Haim’s mother told Access Hollywood that the LA Coroner’s Office told her that her son died from pulmonary congestion. She said they told her the autopsy showed “he had an enlarged heart and his lungs were filled with water.” The coroner’s office told Access that there were 4 bottles of prescription drugs removed his bedroom and at this time it is unsure if any of the drugs were in his system.
With this latest development, I have to admit I feel bad because I thought his death was prescription drug related.

UPDATE: If you live in LA, on Friday, March 12th The New Beverly Cinema will be honoring Corey Haim by showing Lucas at 12m.

UPDATE 2: Corey Haim’s mother, who is ailing from breast cancer, is asking for donations to help pay for his funeral via Corey Haim’s MySpace page. This breaks my heart.

Corey’s funeral will be taking place next week in his hometown of Toronto, Canada. Due to the unexpected expenses of transporting his body to Canada for final resting, a fund has been set up to help his family. If you would like to assist, please send your donations to:
Corey Haim Memorial Fund
c/o Judy Haim
P. O. Box 87655
298 John Street
Thornhill, Ontario


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[ # 389167 ] Comment from Celina [March 11, 2010, 11:09 pm]

I wouldn’t feel too bad. Dying from something like Pulmonary Congestion is probably nearly unheard of in some as young as he was in the absence of years of drug abuse or other complicating factors.

I hope he has found peace.

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