Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Corey Feldman blogs about Sunday’s The Two Coreys
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[ # ] Corey Feldman blogs about Sunday’s The Two Coreys
August 6th, 2008 under The Two Coreys

Corey Feldman blogged about Sunday’s shocking episode of The Two Coreys on A&E. I can’t believe all the people that are still supporting Corey Haim after watching him on the show this season. Feldman was trying to help him and he just attacked Susie and him. Before The Two Coreys premiered last year I was Corey Haim fan, after the show I am so for Corey Feldman and saying Corey Haim who. It is sad to see what happened to Haim, but he is doing it to himself. He needs help, hopefully he will get it. Tune in to The Two Coreys on A&E this Sunday and watch the final episodes of the show where now The Two Coreys are no more and just individuals.
On another note, I am bummed there is no truth to the Goonies 2 rumors. I just wish Feldman would have addressed the Lost Boys 3 rumors too.


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