Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien will raise the dead to prove he’s never wrong!
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[ # ] Conan O’Brien will raise the dead to prove he’s never wrong!
August 20th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien

Conan O’Brien challenges the viewers of his TBS show to let him know when and if he makes a mistake, but he never does.
Recently Conan did a segment on his show about Buzzfeed running out of lists, and he made up a fake list of the “12 Egyptian Mummies That are Still DTF”. In the bit they showed a photo of a mummy in a museum and said it was King Tut. Well Teddy, sent in a video from the pyramids telling him, it could not have been Tutankhamun because the Pharaoh has only left his tomb twice and he’s only been a few meters from his forever home when that happened. So he could not have been encased at a museum as the show said.
Conan replied with his own video, and it proves Teddy wrong. King Tut gets out all the time. In fact, he photobombed Teddy’s video. That’s right. Just because he’s been dead for almost 2,400 years that doesn’t mean he still can’t get around.
So watch the latest Fan Correction video and tell me who made the mistake, Teddy or Conan?


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