Seriously? OMG! WTF? » CNN removes an anchor’s name from a breast cancer fundraiser
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[ # ] CNN removes an anchor’s name from a breast cancer fundraiser
August 17th, 2007 under Unadmirable People

Nicole Lapin's name was part of the “Keep a Breast” Susan G. Komen for the Cure fund-raiser in Atlanta, but when the CNN brass saw her name attached to the event they put a stop to it immediately according to AJC. Several Atlanta journalists were getting casts made of their breasts for an auction at the event and Lapin was not one of them, but that didn't stop CNN from calling the publicist of the event and ripping her a new one, “I feel like I should still be sitting in a corner with a dunce cap on,” Rose said. “Apparently, this was not run by certain people at CNN, and I was informed that this was not something CNN anchors would ever participate in.” Yes, CNN anchors should never be part of a benefit to raise money to prevent breast cancer. If it were prostate cancer, they can do it because it seems that people in charge at CNN are dicks and that particular cancer would effect them. Here is the sad statement given by CNN about the event, “Things like this have to be approved,” Martin said. “This wasn’t. There was a miscommunication. Nicole was aware of the event, but it was not on her calendar. Susan G. Komen is a great foundation. But if our talent is involved or if their name is being used in connection to an outside event, we need to know about it.”

This story has me fuming. Several people I know/knew had breast cancer including my mother and this is a great nonprofit and CNN just shi!t all over them. I hope Lapin when she leaves CNN comes forward and tells her side of the event because you know that she was part of the event and CNN just told her she was not allowed to do it after CNN saw her name attached to it.


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