Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Christopher Meloni split his pants wide open on Late Night!!!
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[ # ] Christopher Meloni split his pants wide open on Late Night!!!
June 7th, 2013 under Chris Meloni, Jimmy Fallon

Christopher Meloni was a guest on Late Night yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a game of Sticky Balls. The game got so intense that Fallon got himself in a sticky situation when one of his balls landed right in-between Meloni’s and the NBC late night had to remove it. The situation reminded me of the type of cases that Meloni would investigate on Law & Order: SVU. You know the ones that “In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous”
But it wasn’t only what was going on in the front that was blogworthy, it was what was going on in the back. As soon as the game started, Meloni’s Velcro suit needed some in the butt area because it ripped down the middle exposing his tighty whities. Was he embarrassed by the sudden opening? Nope he bent over to moon us and what a clear night it was.
I knew Meloni was a funny man off of that serious drama he starred on for all of those year, I just never realized how much until now!


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