Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Christmas Tree 1 vs Shaq 0
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[ # ] Christmas Tree 1 vs Shaq 0
December 26th, 2014 under Shaquille O'Neal
Yesterday during TNT Halftime Show’s Shaquille O’Neal and Kenny “The Jet” Smith were having some fun, when a simple shove led to Shaq crashing, head first, into the Christmas tree. You’d think the pine would be no match for the 7’1″ former basketball player, and you’d be wrong. The tree remained standing, but Shaq did not.
As soon as Kenny realized what he did, he kept declaring it was an accident. You can’t blame him because no one wants to be the person who turned Shaq into a human ax. So even though Shaq didn’t make the tree go timber, he did embarrass himself on national television.
So did O’Neal get his revenge on Smith, we don’t know because no one has seen or heard from him since. Granted no one has tried to contact him either.


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