Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Charlie Puth is getting his own ‘Reality Show’ on Roku
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[ # ] Charlie Puth is getting his own ‘Reality Show’ on Roku
September 24th, 2024 under Charlie Puth, Roku

We know Charlie Puth as a lyricist and a singer with perfect pitch, but the newlywed wants to be known for more than that.

So, he reached out to Roku, and they gave him a show so that he can expand his career beyond just music.

The Charlie Puth Show will feature artists, comedians, and icons from every area of the pop matrix, the famous faces that populate the show help Charlie to navigate his heightened reality where his career neurosis and musical perfectionism often gets in the way of his peace and sanity, ultimately parodying the very zeitgeist that Charlie’s trying to conquer.

The 6-episode mockumnetary debuts October 4th on Roku. Hopefully, when it is over, kids will no longer say to him, “Shawn Mendes, the better version of you.” I felt that pain, and I know and accept that are a lot of people who are a better version of me.


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