Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Celebracadabra magically moves to Thursdays tonight
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[ # ] Celebracadabra magically moves to Thursdays tonight
May 22nd, 2008 under VH1/MTV

(Photo © VH1)
Not only is Celebracadabra going from Sundays to Thursdays starting tonight on VH1, but as you can see C Thomas Howell is also get a sex change. I guess the C will now be for Cindy. You know, Cindy Thomas Howell actually makes a pretty woman!
But back to Celebracadabra seriously this is magical show (no pun) and if you haven't seen it yet check it tonight on VH1 at 10p.
In Thursday’s brand new episode C. Thomas Howell, Lisa Ann Walter, Hal Sparks and Kimberly Wyatt are given the challenge of performing Cabaret Magic for a roomful of professionals at the Magic Castle . After getting hit with the Zonk prize, one C. Thomas Howell (pictured) has to perform in drag.  The magicians and celebrities continue to lock horns as the competition heats up, and their bickering reach new heights.
I mean where else can you see an '80s icon doing tricks in drag? I mean besides on Hollywood Blvd or 42nd street?

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