Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Cee Lo Green dumps the white pussy for a pink cock
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[ # ] Cee Lo Green dumps the white pussy for a pink cock
June 22nd, 2012 under The Voice

Last season on The Voice Cee Lo Green was all about his white Persian pussycat Purrfect The Cat, but now he has tossed her aside for a Lady. Actually Lady is the name of his new mascot, a pink cockatoo. As a cat lover I don’t know how I feel about this switch-a-roo, but Purrfect does and she is letting her feelings be heard. Here is the catty response she Tweeted about her replacement, “Have to say, @CeeLosLady is pretty…for a bird. Don’t see HER in Papa @CeeLoGreen’s lap now do ya? =^..^= ‪#JustSayin” She then added, “……pretty delicious. ‪#OkIllStop‬ ‪#JustKitten” I don’t think she is kitten, do you? I bet she is hissing one her daddy’s songs to her pops…you know the one I am talking about. And I am not referring to the PG-13 version of the chart topper.
I think we need to start a petition to get Purrfect back on the show. We need more pussy on the NBC singing competition and less birds. I don’t know what that means either, but basically I am saying we want Purrfect back.
Seriously someone needs to tell Cee Lo that Lady would make a great feathered boa, because I am sure once someone does our feline friend will be back faster than you can say Blake Shelton and Adam Levine.


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