Seriously? OMG! WTF? » CBGBs moving to Vegas
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[ # ] CBGBs moving to Vegas
July 11th, 2006 under Music

New York’s legendary club CBGBs is set to close on September 30.
The venue is due to relocate to Las Vegas in 2008.
CBGBs, which has been open for 30 years, is best known for housing many of the key bands who made up New York’s punk and new wave scene of the late 70s. Bands like The Ramones, Talking Heads and Blondie played some of their first gigs there.
However, according to the club’s founder Hilly Kristal, the venue has to close because of the soaring rent costs in New York.
Of the relocation to Las Vegas, Kristal said: "I am taking the bars with me, I am taking the stage – I’m taking the urinal that Joey(Ramone) pissed in with me. I going to take a lot of things – anything that makes this place CBGBs."
The club is set to announce its final live schedule shortly, and it’s expected to feature some of the performers who made the venue famous.


That just seems so wrong. I wonder if 3 out of the 4 Ramones are turning over in their graves over this news?


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