Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Zach Braff
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Zach Braff needs to scrub his mouth out with soap!!!
June 14th, 2012 under Zach Braff. [ Comments: none ]


I always thought that Zach Braff came off squeaky clean because he reminds me of a Sesame Street character for some reason. But today the Garden State native Tweeted a video that is making me see him in a different light and I love him for that. He basically strung a bunch of curse words together to make the dirtiest sentence you will ever hear. So why did he do it? He Tweeted this along with the video, “NSFW. I was once asked by a British TV crew what my favorite curse was. I did not imagine it was gonna be on Youtube…” Well it is on YouTube now and for the first time I really want to play doctor with him and I will be his patient. I likey when Braff talks dirty to me and I guess you guys too.


What is Zach Braff doing in the water?
January 2nd, 2012 under Zach Braff. [ Comments: none ]

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Is it just me or is anyone else wondering what exactly is Zach Braff doing with his hands underneath in the water? I mean with that face and the arm movement it looks like he scrubbing something in the water that he should be scrubbing in public!


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