via People
Almost 6 months after Chris Brown attacked his now ex-girlfriend Rihanna, he finally apologizes to the public for his actions. I understand why his lawyer wanted him to remain silent for so long, but I think it is too little, too late. You can tell that what he is saying is from the heart and not a publicist statement because of all the grammatical errors, but it still doesn’t do enough to sway me. To this day whenever I hear one of his songs on one my Now CDs, I hit skip because I just can’t listen to him without thinking of what was written in that incident report and visualizing that infamous picture of her. I don’t know what he can do to ever win his back fans. Did he win you back with this public apology?
via Dlisted
Word to wise, if you own the bong that a famous Olympic Gold Medalist has smoked and the town sheriff says he actively looking into if there was wrong doing in his jurisdiction…don’t try to sell it on eBay. According to WIS that is what the person did.
We’ve now learned that since investigators began trying to build a case, they’ve made eight arrests: seven for drug possession and one for distribution. These are arrests that resulted as the sheriff’s department served search warrants.
We’ve also learned that the department has located and confiscated that bong.
Sources say the owner of the bong was trying to sell it on eBay for as much as $100,000.
The owner, who wasn’t even at the party, is one of the eight now charged.
Phelps is not one of those charged at this point, but the sheriff’s department has strong evidence that matches the photo to the house on Blossom Street.
We have waited over 13 years for this sentencing to finally happen, but sadly the Judge only gave him at most of 33 years and he is eligible for parole in nine.
He deserved life, but it is better than nothing,
via Dlisted
First Akon dry humped a minor girl at a show so violently that even rapists thought he was too rough on her. Then he called a teen who heckled him on to the stage, lifted him over his head and threw him in to the audience and the teen landed on the ground because no one caught him and a girl suffered a concussion because the teen hit her on the head. Now he punched a fan in her face for showing her excitement to be so close to him. Seriously what more does he have to do to finally go to jail like he claims he has been there before he was a star.
If for some reason you want to see him in concert make sure to wear Armor like the Knights used to wear a long time ago.
Timothy Tackett also known as Mr Unst@ble took a bath in a sink at the Burger King that he worked (past tense because he got fired for it) at in Ohio. Out of all the things I have wanted to do at my job, taking a bath in the sink is not one of them. So nasty. I am trying to think what is grosser, what he did or that tarantula on that top his head. Watch the second video to see what he looks like out of the sink.
It is such a shame that several people lost their jobs because he did such a moronic thing. Hopefully McDonalds’s will hire them.