Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tyra Banks
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Tyra Banks does an Oprah with her talk show…and quits!!!
December 28th, 2009 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 7 ]

Tyra Banks is doing an Oprah Winfrey and quitting her talk show at the end of the season this spring!!! The talk show host told People, “I’ve been loving having fun, coming into your living rooms, bedrooms, hair salons for the past 5 years.” and she added what’s next for her, “My next huge steps will allow me to reach more women and young girls to help us all feel as fierce as we truly are.” Tyra told them she wants to spend more time with her newly established film production company and their focus will be to bring more positive images of women on the big screen. Something she said Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey encouraged her to do. Hopefully they also encouraged her to hire all of the employees of the Tyra Banks Show, who will be out of work because of her decision to end her show, to work for her production company? But then again rumor has it she left a lot of her LA workers behind when she moved to NY.
Personally I never got the Tyra thing, whenever I tuned into her show it was all about her and not the guests. But as much as I don’t like her she has a huge following and I guess am not her target audience for it. It will be interesting to see if she can succeed as a movie producer because her reality show America’s Next Top Model keeps losing viewers by the thousands each season.
BTW as much as I won’t miss the show, I will miss some odd things she did for stunts like dressing as a homeless woman or having every woman on the show strip down to their bra and undies except herself. Will you miss her show when she signs off from it this spring?

UPDATE: Now I am wondering if she decided to quit her show because it would free her up to take over Oprah Winfrey’s time slot when she ends her show next year. Not that I think she would get it, but Tyra seems the type who would think she would be the next Oprah.


Tonight’s ANTM is going to be scrazy…as in super crazy
September 16th, 2009 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Every season The CW’s America’s Next Top Model gets crazier and crazier and that is just Tyra Banks. And tonight she top’s all her zaniness by becoming the superhero Smeyes, which I guess is Smiling Eyes because she always brags that she is good at that. To me she is just Scrazy…Super and Crazy. Seriously what is she thinking when she comes up with this stuff??? Tyra there is a reason you are a model…you can’t act so please stop trying. I am afraid to see what other bizarre things she is going to do on the show tonight at 8p, but I am so going to watch to see it. That and there is a double elimination!!
BTW after ANTM on The CW at 9p is the premiere of The Beautiful Life: TBL. I saw the presentation and I have to admit I really liked it, but since then they changed it up from what I saw and I don’t feel it is fair for me to review that show. As we all know TBL is getting a lot of press because of its star Mischa Barton and that is fine with me because I really liked what I saw and I want to this show to do well.


America’s Next Top Model goes short tonight
September 9th, 2009 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 1 ]

For the first time in 13 cycles of America’s Next Top Model is letting in girls that are 5’7″ and under. So will this change up the feeling of The CW show? Nope it is still the same ANTM we have been watching all along.
Tonight during the two hour premiere that starts at 8p, we get to see how they narrowed down the girls to compete on the show for the first hour. And during the second hour we get the makeover episode. I am so glad they got that over with because that is the best part of the season. Maybe because these girls are so happy they have the chance to compete, but none of them complained about their makeovers. Well that and unlike previous seasons they are not as drastic or too damaging. Tyra kind of has a bad eye for most makeovers. Maybe showing her real hair made her more sympathetic when she decided how these girls should look.
When it comes to the girls, I opt not to learn who they are just yet because it let’s me not waste any brain cells on someone who will be eliminated next week. That and the one girl I wanted to win, was forced to drop out for some unknown reason. Believe me you will be as sad as I was when they announce she couldn’t continue on.
Tune in ANTM tonight and every Wednesday on The CW at 8p.


Tyra Bank’s real hair
September 8th, 2009 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

For weeks we have been hearing how Tyra Banks was going to show off her real hair during the season premiere of her unwatchable talk show and today she did it. Boy what a let down. I wanted a fro or some really bad hair, but all we got was that. She totally could have been sporting her real hair along instead of all those wigs, extensions and weaves. When am I going to learn that Tyra Banks always claims that she isn’t vain, but she is like one of the vainest people in the world and will never let us really see her look bad even though she says that she does?


Why Tyra Banks always the only one covered up?
August 18th, 2009 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 2 ]

Every season Tyra Banks makes her studio audience go out in just their underwear, yet she is always the only one in a body suit? Why is it OK for her to force women to go down their skivvies on her talk show and even less on America's Next Top Model and not for her to do that same? Especially when she will eliminates them on ANTM? I wish she would man up and do as she makes others do. Otherwise she is as fake as her hair that she says she is going to let go au naturale. I will believe that when I see it because she is like a title of Carly Simon song and I don't think she has the balls to do it.

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