Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tyra Banks
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The girls on ANTM were made over
March 6th, 2008 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © The CW)
Is it just me or did they make the girls over on America's Next Top Model a little earlier this year? That and wasn't it the worst and most boring makeovers yet to date. What did they do to Monique and Stacey Anne's hair. Tyra likes chopping off the hair of the girliest girls and make them more butch and you know what it doesn't work time and time again. And what was up with all the bleaching. The bleached hair didn't work on any of them in fact it made Whitney and Claire look horrible. 
Now when it comes to the eliminated Allison although I think she has the look, that picture is GA.
BTW next week's ANTM looks great because it looks like the girls are finally going to put the Bitchy Fatima in her place! At least I hope they do!!!

Tonight is the America’s Next Top Model’s makeover episode!
March 5th, 2008 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Every season no matter what the best episode of America’s Next Top Model is the makeover episode and it doesn’t look like tonight is going to disappoint! I can’t wait to see what they do to the girls or I should say what Tyra does them. Personally I wish someone else would choose how to makeover the girls besides Tyra because I don’t think she always has the best eyes for the girls. And I am the only who wishes one season one of the girls would gives Tyra a makeover and pulls out her weave?
So tune into to America’s Next Top Model tonight to see how the girls turn out on The CW at 8p!


America’s Next Top Model turns 100 on Wednesday
February 25th, 2008 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo © The CW)
America's Next Top Model turns 100 on Wednesday. That a pound per episode added to Tyra Bank's weight!
So tune in to The CW on Wednesday and watch Tyra's weight expand even more!!! 

America’s Next Top Model is back tonight on The CW at 8p!
February 20th, 2008 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Can you believe that America’s Next Top Model is in its 10th cycle? Starting tonight on The CW at 8p ANTM takes it back to Cycle 1’s locale and moves back to NYC. That is not the only change this years supermodel is Paulina Porizkova and she is not going to be as nice as she looks.
This cycle’s top 14 are the prettiest to date and we haven’t even had the makeover episode yet. Amis and Allison remind me of ’80 models with their looks. Whitney is the prettiest plus-size model to date and you forget quickly that she has a few extra pounds on her because her face is just that stunning. Fatima is beautiful like a young Iman but the fact that she was circumcised when she was 7 gets old fast because that is all they concentrate on with her. But when it comes to winning, I think Dominique has a real chance as long as she doesn’t style herself.
So tune into what is shaping to be the America’s Next Top Model cycle to date on The CW at 8p and every Wednesday!


America’s Next Top Model turns 10 on February 20th!
January 20th, 2008 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © The CW)
America's Next Top Model moves to NY for the 10th season on The CW on February 20th at 8p and there will also be a new Judge Paulina Porizkova. Hopefully with the new location, new Judge and new outfits they will change the show up because after 10 season it is time for a change!!!
BTW I love what the models are wearing in the photo very Cabaret!!! 

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