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It’s the end for Jon & Kate Plus 8!
November 23rd, 2009 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]

So even though TLC wanted to keep Jon & Kate Plus 8 going after Jon & Kate went their separate ways, but Jon Gosselin saw that they didn’t. When TLC announced that the show would go on without his fat ass, he went to court within days and filed a cease and desist saying that they were violating child labor laws with his 8 kids. So TLC had no other option, but to end the show that made the network a household name in the last few months. I was a Johnny-come-lately who got into the show after the two were featured on every tabloid magazine and I have to admit I was hooked on it. When I watched the show I thought Kate was the bad one, but ever since Jon started doing interviews with anyone who asked him for one I realized it wasn’t all her fault. So watch the final episode tonight on TLC at 8p and say goodbye to them one last time. Well at least on TLC, I am sure Jon and Kate will continue doing interviews with anyone who asks.
Are you sad to see this show end or do you wish it would come back in some form of the way without Jon?


Jon Gosselin makes a funny
November 11th, 2009 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Jon Gosselin did a video for Funny or Die where he makes fun of what a douche he has become and I have to admit it is funny. I wonder if he will watch this video and really turn back time and go away. Seriously would anyone miss him if he went home and became a father to his 8 kids instead of being on TV all the time? I know I wouldn’t miss him.


Jon & Nadya plus 22?
October 20th, 2009 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Fame Pictures)
Could we get possibly get Jon Gosselin and Nadya Suleman and their 22 kids together? Maybe if Nadya has her way because she told RadarOnline that she has a crush on him and thinks he is hot. Oy, could you imagine them all together? She is in LA and we all know Jon wants to be star, so it could be match multiples reality TV show heaven.


Maddie Gosselin punishes her little bro?
October 6th, 2009 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]

Maddie Gosselin was photographed hitting her little brother with her sweatshirt and she told her nanny she did it because he was misbehaving in school that day according to 

Splash News Online. Kate Gosselin always says on the show she is like her second mother to her six siblings. Maybe she wouldn't have to feel that way if Kate and Jon stopped caring about themselves and doing in press in NY and LA and spent some time with their kids?


Jon shuts down Kate Plus 8
October 1st, 2009 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

I guess Jon Gosselin didn’t feel it the show should go on without him, so he filed a cease and desist order shutting down production on his sooner-to-be ex-wife’s show according to People.
Jon’s lawyer issued this letter today:

“Effective immediately, no production crews are to enter Jon’s family home for any reason. In the event that anyone enters the marital property, Jon Gosselin will notify the local authorities to effectuate police action against any trespassers.”

TLC issued this statement to People:

“We are aware of Jon Gosselin’s recent statements, and remain deeply disappointed at his continued erratic behavior. He and the family were shooting as recently as last Friday, without incident, and his latest comments are grossly inaccurate, without merit and are clearly opportunistic,” TLC said in a statement to PEOPLE. “Despite Jon Gosselin’s repeated self destructive and unprofessional actions, he remains under an exclusive contract with TLC. Direct filming of the children has been currently suspended, pending further conversations between both parents.”

Jon also claimed that the kids have been complaining about being filmed all the time and here is what Kate Gosselin told People.

“I’m saddened and confused by Jon’s public media statements. Jon has never expressed any concerns to me about our children being involved in the show and, in fact, is on the record as saying he believes the show benefits our children and was taping on Friday with the kids.
“I check in regularly with each of the kids to be sure they want to participate in and continue with the show and will continue to do so,” Kate, 34, continues. “I do the show for my family because I believe it provides us opportunities we wouldn’t otherwise have. Jon used to share that belief until as recently as the day the network announced the name change of the show and indicated that Jon would have a lesser role in the show. It appears that Jon’s priority is Jon and his interests. My priority remains our children and their well-being.”

Hopefully their 15 minutes are almost up. If only we could shut down all the press about Jon and Kate as easily as Jon shut down the show that shut him down?


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