Angels Among Us is divine! |
September 7th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
Rosie Cepero has a gift and tonight at 10p on TLC’s Angels Among Us, you will see it.
Rosie can hear other people’s Guardian Angels and she is able to give others the messages from beyond that they cannot hear. She is so spot on that you will see people crying over what she tells them. In fact, you will tear up with them because we can all understand what they are going through.
Besides the show being about her gift, it is also about her 4 other gifts that are very personal to her. They are her husband and three sons. What’s fun about the boys, is that they aren’t as appreciative about her ability to talk to spirits. That’s because she will stop whatever she is doing to give a person a message. That will delay them and since they are her children, it will embarrass them. Therefore, they make fun of her. Even though she is not a normal mom, they are a normal family.
Angels Among Us is a lot of fun and especially interesting to watch because she is so good with her gift.
Heartbreakers will steal your heart tonight! |
August 13th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Tracey Gold. [ Comments: none ]
Heartbreakers debuts on Investigation Discovery tonight at 10p and you don’t want to miss this real life reenactment show with professional actors.
That’s right. Some of our teenage heartthrobs like Jack Wagner, Tracey Gold and Judd Nelson are going to recreate real life love stories that have gone wrong, deadly wrong.
Tonight on the season premiere, Tracey Gold plays high school secretary Laura Nugent, who attracts not one but two married men at the school. The first man whose heart she captures is Principal Hurley Fontenot (Christopher Knight) and they have a 2 year long love affair. But when Billy Mac Fleming (Antonio Sabato, Jr) comes to town as the new football coach, he scores a touchdown with her. She dumps Fontenot and he can’t handle it. His anger gets the best of him and one day he confronts his ex’s lover, and that lover is never seen alive again. Did he do it?
Next week, we see Jack Wagner, Jamie Luner and Rob Estes be involved in an ungodly love triangle. Then the week after that Judd Nelson and Nicole Eggert have a torrid love affair that ends with death they do part.
Heartbreakers is great cheesy TV that everyone will love. We love reenactment shows, we love these actors, so the two of them together gives us one awesomely bad show that you are going to love to enjoy each week.
I mean come on, its like we are getting one of those movies of the week every week, but it only takes an hour to tell the story. It is a total wham, bam that will leave you saying, thank you mam!
So tune in tonight and every Wednesday night at 10p for a show you are going to love more than you thought you ever could!
You’ll be hooked on Beasts of the Bayou |
July 10th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
If you are like me, then you love watching horror movies about the creatures that reside in the Louisiana swamps. Well tonight at 10p on Discovery, those movies come to life in Beasts of the Bayou.
Each week, Captain Blimp Cheramie, his first mate, Eric, and his nephew, Nathan, will go looking for the creatures we have only heard about and find out if they really do exist. They will travel the waters of the Bayou looking for them, and even put themselves done in it to find these elusive fish. Will they discover that the Altamaha-ha aka Altie, the Alligator Gar Fish and/or Parlangua are real and not just a work of fiction? While they try to find them, another team of scientists will try to prove the rationale explanation for these mythical creatures.
What these two teams find throughout the season, will make you re-examine those horror movies because there is always truth in fiction. And seeing what the real versions of these beasts look like will make you never want to go for a swim in Louisiana. At least I know I don’t.
That is how impactful this series is. Plus, it helps that unlike most reality shows like this one, Blimp and his men are so much fun to watch. So it’s like you are getting two shows for the price of one. A comedy one and a horror one, and who doesn’t need that on a warm humid summer night?
Buying Naked is real estate you want to check out on TLC! |
June 28th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
Buying Naked moves into TLC tonight at 10p and you don’t want to miss this open house unlike any you have ever seen before!
Jackie Youngblood is one of the biggest realtors in Pasco County, Fla and her business has grown so much that she needs to hire another real estate agent. Why would that be hard? Because you get to see when your male clients are hard. That’s because Youngblood specializes in Nudist Communities. So you have to find someone who is OK with see nude people all around them. Let’s be honest, most of us are not comfortable with that.
Jackie gets lucky when she finds Alex, and she brings her on to her staff. Tonight on the show we will see her first day on the job and all of inhibitions will be lost before she knows it. Granted there will be plenty of giggling before she gets to that point. Can you blame her?
The episode is not only about Alex, it is also about a party that Jackie decides to throw to get the Nudits and Textiles (that’s what us clothed people are called) together. At first it’s like a school dance, where those with clothes are on one side and those without them on the other. Then Youngblood comes up with some interesting games for them to play and they work are bringing them closer, a whole lot closer. I won’t tell you what they are because you just have to see it for yourself.
And on that note, I think I saw more naked butts in this one episode than I have in my whole life. That is a lot of bums! And yes, many of them were worth checking out!
Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire! |
May 9th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
Tomorrow night’s Sex Sent Me to the ER at 9p on TLC is so hot, it’s literally on flames.
A man does a striptease for his wife in the dark, but when he stops making noise she uses her lighter to see what’s going on. Then the room quickly lights up because his balls are on fire. And he does what any man would do in that situation, runs screaming into the bathroom to put them out. When his wife finally reaches him, she smells then sees what she did her husband whose blue balls are now black.
To find out how the couple explained what happened to the doctors at the ER, you will just have to tune in.
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