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Jay Leno’s cat does to him what we wish we could!
November 16th, 2011 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

So there is YouTube video of a cat who fetches a toy that their owner threw on to a shelf high up on the wall by going through some incredible lengths to get it. Well Jay Leno tried the same with his cat on The Tonight Show and I think we can all agree his cat is much smarter than the other one.
Seriously I can watch this video all day long! I love cats and I love pain, so what more do we need?


Jerry Seinfeld got a job!
November 1st, 2011 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Now that Marriage Ref is all but cancelled, Jerry Seinfeld desperately needs a job and he got one for three days. The comedian will be the first person to fill Regis Philbin’s huge shoes on Live with Regis and Kelly as guest co-host until a permanent host can be found. The man who had one of the biggest shows ever on TV will be interviewing Jason Segal, Kim Cattrall, Howie Mandel, Jamie Oliver and Miss Piggy between November 21st and 23rd.
No one ever could replace the Reeg, but I think that Seinfeld could come close. Unless Miss Piggy shows him who is boss and he is out of there before you can say Kermit!


Karma catches up with Dick Cheney
September 6th, 2011 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

For years we have wanted Karma to catch up with Dick Cheney and Friday on The Tonight Show Jay Leno finally served it to him by making him sit through one of Carrot Top’s routines. That was so painful, I am not sure the former-Vice President deserved that form of torture.
BTW as a Miami Hurricane who saw Carrot Top perform at University of Miami, that joke he made about my football team wasn’t funny. Granted my wounds are still sore over our latest scandal.


A Donald Trump/Gary Busey Presidential ticket?
April 7th, 2011 under Donald Trump, Talk Shows. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight Gary Busey is on NBC’s The Tonight Show at 11:35a and Jay Leno asked him what he thought about his boss, Donald Trump running for President and the Oscar winner thought it is a great idea. Then when the host with the biggest chin in the business asked him who he thought the man with the most talked about comb-over in the world should pick as a running mate, the man with the biggest teeth in the biz said, “Me!”
Could you imagine if that really was the ticket that Trump ran on? Hopefully he would be the speech writer!
Oh wait…if Trump became President and was not able to fulfill his term, then that would mean Gary Busey would be our Commander-in-Chief. Maybe there would be peace in the world because the leaders would do anything to shut him up. Although if they really wanted to get their point across they can always send Meat Loaf in to fight their wars…
Another thing if Busey were President, you know he would make Dr Drew our Surgeon General and that would mean rehab for everyone!
OK I have given this way too much thought and pray The Donald doesn’t spend as much time thinking that Busey is the wrong choice for his Vice President!


Another TV legend retires…goodbye Regis Philbin
January 18th, 2011 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

In the last year we have either said or are going to say goodbye to Larry King, Oprah Winfrey and Mary Hart, and today we need to add another name to that list and it is Regis Philbin. The 79 year old host announced on Live with Regis and Kelly that this would be his last year on the show.
This really saddens me because he is the last of the TV talk show greats still on the tube. That means the hosts that who will now have been around for the longest are David Letterman and Jay Leno and in my opinion neither host is someone for the future generation to look up to be. One f*cked his replacement and the other reportedly f*cked his interns.
When it comes to who will replace him, I am sure Kelly Ripa will fight for husband Mark Consuelos. I also think that Ryan Seacrest is vying for the job because that is what he does. I love watching Jimmy Kimmel every night, but I think he was great when he filled in. But then again if Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show is no longer a go, he could take the job. So who do you think should be the next Regis?


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