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Steve Perry breaks his silence and sings!
May 27th, 2014 under Steve Perry. [ Comments: none ]

via Paul Frank
Steve Perry hasn’t sung in public since 1995, but that all changed on Sunday. The former-Journey singer joined the band Eels on stage in St Paul, Minnesota and not only did he sing one of their tunes, but two of his own too. His voice is just as beautiful now as it was when Open Arms and Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’ came out.
I hope this performance makes him consider getting back into performing. I would do anything to hear him live because his voice is just so sensual to me. I just hope he sings some of his other hits because those two are not my favorite from Journey or his solo career. Oh to hear him sing Oh, Sherry again. The vocal power he has in that song still astounds me to today.
BTW here’s a little fun fact, Steve Perry hasn’t sung live in concert since Eels started as a band back in 1995! So I am kind of expecting the band to announce their breakup any day now since time came full circle for the two.


Remember Steve Perry?
September 27th, 2011 under Remember?, Steve Perry. [ Comments: 4 ]

Oh Sherry if you Don’t Stop Believin’ you will one day see Steve Perry again! It has be a long Journey since we last saw the 62 year old singer and I think he looks f*cking great! I don’t know why his career has gone the way of the final seconds of The Sopranos, you know fades to black wonder what happens next, but I hope he decides to do a comeback soon because he has one of the greatest voices in Rock’N’Roll.
Seriously it made my day seeing him and I hope it does the same for you!!!


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