Ryan Seacrest posted this video of the Indian sport pole gymnastics. I don’t know about you, but it looks a lot like stripper pole dancing to me. I wonder who would win in a competition the strippers or those men who were padding in their shorts. I think it would depend on who was judging. Maybe instead of a competition, they could teach each other their best moves.
BTW who thinks that second guy would have done better if he waxed?
via Us Weekly
Tiger Woods is known for f*cking as much as golfing these days, so why should we be surprised when he says the word f*ck after he misses an easy hole at the British Open. Well because he said it on live TV. Guess with everything going on in personal life, he just cant hide it anymore when he is on the course and he blows it.
BTW I think he said the f-word almost as much as he has mistresses. Nah, not even close.
So Tiger Woods had to pull out of The Players because of a bulging disk. Well if you like everyone, you changed the s in disk to a c for d!ck! And you would expect that the sports anchors would be better than us when reporting the news. Unluckily for them and luckily for us, they are not as you can hear in the above clips where two sports anchors made a bulging error! Thank you Tiger Woods for having a bulging d!ck, I mean disk!!!
BTW Tiger doesn’t need an MRI to tell him he has a bulging d!ck, the many many many women he was with can attest for that!
via Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Yankee’s pitcher Chan Ho had a sh!tty opening day and he had a crappy excuse for why it happened…literally. He had diarrhea. I am sorry but he is just so cute explaining that he had diarrhea that I had to post it. And just like his teammates, I found myself laughing hysterically and I am sure you did too!!!
One of the most popular videos on the net over the last few days has been Chuck Liddell and his girlfriend, Heidi Northcott working out naked. Everyone has been wondering why and how they could do that? I know I want to know because it would be nice not to have to worry about sweaty clothes, but it does seem like it could get painful you move in the wrong way.