Seriously? OMG! WTF? » SOW Greetings
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Happy Friday the 13th!!!
February 13th, 2009 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: 1 ]

Today is the Friday the 13th and the only thing positive thing about the significance of this day for me is I get to post that video of all the deaths from the original Friday the 13th movie series!!! Two of my favorite death scenes took place in that series, but whenever I watch that video it reminds me that there were a lot of other awesome ones in there for us all to enjoy!!!
And the best part is that none of the ones from the movie I am boycotting that comes out today that stars Supernatural’s Jared Padalecki that is being destroyed by Michael Bay’s stupid unoriginal production are in it. The only reason to waste any money on that dreck is to see the Inglourious Basterds teaser on the big screen.
Happy Friday the 13th to y’all! May today only bring you good luck…


Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
December 31st, 2008 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: 2 ]

In 2008 I spent way too much time watching TV and blogging, and my New Year’s Resolution is not to a change a thing!!!
I am so thankful for all the new people in my life that I got to meet in 2008 because of this blog and I hope to continue those friendships with them and you my readers in 2009!!!
Thank you so much for reading Seriously? OMG! WTF? and have a happy and healthy New Year!!!


Happy Holidays!!!
December 24th, 2008 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Last year my greatest holiday gift was discovering that Billy Idol has a Christmas album, but what was even better were the music videos that went with those songs. It was the gift that kept giving me happiness and joy!
I hope that no matter what you celebrate that you too get gifts that leave you with happiness and joy throughout the year! And that you can survive the time you spend with family and that they are tolerable!!!
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa!!!

Seriously? OMG! WTF?

PS You readers are the best gift I will get this holiday! Too cheesey?


Today is the 20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day
December 1st, 2008 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years since AIDS was recognized with a day. And in that 20 years there are have been so many advances in the drugs that slow the progression of HIV, but there is still no cure and vaccine. And those drugs only work as long you keep to the cocktail regiment and don’t have any adverse reactions with that dosage. While the messages about protection that once were loud and visible are now silent and ignored. So please on this day remember to put a condom and protect yourself. And get tested!

Talking about condoms, Lifestyles Condoms has joined with Ashley Judd, actress, Ethan Hawke, actor, Margaret Cho, comedian and actress, Dania Ramirez, actress, Marc Ecko, fashion designer, Dita Von Teese, model, burlesque performer and spokesperson for MAC Viva Glam and Tera Patrick, adult film star to create pop art that is being auctioned of to benefit YouthAIDS.

Lastly if you are looking for HIV/AIDS charity to donate to, please look into Mothers2Mothers. It is amazing program based in South Africa that helps to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child and helps the mothers with work and medical treatment after they have giving birth to the children.

m2m is an innovative mentoring program offering comprehensive support for HIV-positive pregnant women and new mothers.
Sub-Saharan Africa shows the highest statistics of mothers and babies infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Worldwide, 1% of pregnant women are HIV-positive, 95% of these women live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Without care, about 24% of mothers transmit the virus to their newborns, and each year about 3 million of these children will die from HIV/AIDS-related illnesses.
But preventing the transmission of HIV from a mother to a child is a straightforward medical procedure. Its simplest application, a single dose of medication for a mother and her newborn, can cut transmission risk nearly in half.
With the advent of PMTCT treatment in Africa, the key obstacle to its effectiveness is the need for outreach, education and support for HIV-positive pregnant women and new mothers so they can overcome social and emotional barriers that keep them from accessing medical care.


Happy Thanksgiving!!!
November 27th, 2008 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

I sincerely want to thank all of you for reading and supporting my blog, it is the thing I am most thankful for today!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Seriously? OMG! WTF?

PS I also have to say thank you to Eli Roth for creating such a bloody brilliant trailer for this holiday!!!


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