Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sherri Shepherd
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The View on that show is changing
June 26th, 2014 under Sherri Shepherd, The View. [ Comments: none ]

The View is going to look a whole lot different next season because not only did they lose Barbara Walters to retirement, they are also losing Sherri Shepherd and Jenny McCarthy to the pink slip. According to what ABC told Variety, the ladies were reportedly fired today to make way for “an exciting new direction.” What that new direction is, do we really care because who watches this talk show anymore?
When it comes to Sherri and Jenny’s departures, it really isn’t that surprising. Shepherd’s personal life was news this year, and I am sure the show wanted to distance themselves from it. And when it comes to Donnie Wahlberg’s fiancee, she was an awful hire from the get go.
Oh well, at least they kept Whoopi Goldberg. Which is a good thing because it keeps her too busy to act more often.


BTWF roles: Sherri Shepherd on Friends
June 26th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Sherri Shepherd. [ Comments: none ]

Before Sherri Shepherd was sitting around talking with the girls on The View, she sitting at a table with tour guides on Friends. She looks the same now as she did when she was 30 in that 1998 episode.


Rita Rocks with Sherri on Lifetime tonight
October 5th, 2009 under Lifetime, Sherri Shepherd. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight on Lifetime starting at 7p Sheri Shepherd gets her own sitcom and Rita Rocks is back for its second season.
As much as I wanted to hate Sherri because I can’t stand Sherri Shepherd, I actually liked it. The sitcom is about a recent divorcee who finds out that her ex-husband’s much younger mistress is 6 months pregnant as she is dealing with single life again after 10 years of marriage. The paralegal/wanna-be-actress/comedienne tries the dating and learns the hard way being a Cougar can be illegal! But don’t worry she won’t be doing alone she has her friends to back her up! The show has that sitcom feel and you know me, I believe in saving as many of them of them as a I can because they are slowly becoming extinct. That and the show actually made me a laugh a few times.
From Sherri to Rita Rocks, Nicole Sullivan and Tisha Campbell-Martin are back for a second season and both of their waistlines are rapidly expanding. That is because both actresses were pregnant in real life while filming the first half of this season. Nicole’s pregnancy was written into the show while Tisha’s wasn’t. On tonight’s season premiere Nicole hid her baby bump behind a guitar, a big purse and anything else she could find until her character finds out she is preggers, while Tisha is getting fat because she can’t stop eating. You have to admit that is an original way to handle the pregnancies! Another change coming up this season is Ian Gomez is out because he got another show and Tisha’s real-life husband will join the show as their newest band member and the man she has a crush on! What hasn’t changed just how funny this show!
So check out both shows for a laugh tonight starting at 7p and again tomorrow at 10p which is their normally scheduled time on Lifetime!


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