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Sherri Shepherd takes the subway to work
November 30th, 2022 under Sherri Shepherd. [ Comments: none ]

Sherri Shepherd might be hosting a daytime talk show in Manhattan, but she is not too good to take an NYC subway to work.

The host shared some videos of her on the train and no one cared who she was. She wrote, “Something about taking the A train (and I am good. Nobody recognizes me because people are too worried about life to be bothered about a talk show host😂) … hello New York!”

Gotta love New Yorkers. We don’t care who anyone is. That is why so many celebrities love living there. They can be Average Joes if they want to be.


Can Donny Osmond and Sherri Shepherd be any cuter?
September 22nd, 2022 under Sherri Shepherd, The Osmonds. [ Comments: none ]

Sherri Shepherd hasn’t been hosting her daytime TV talk show for less than two weeks, and she has already had one of her dreams come true.

Back when the host was a teenager, she had Puppy Love for Donny Osmond and would kiss his poster on her wall. Years later, she told the singer that, and he never forgot.

Today, when he was on her daytime show, he brought that up. Then he offered to give her a kiss. So she puckered up, and he went in to make her dream come true! And we got to witness a sweet moment that will leave us calling our dentists because it gave us a cavity.

If that was not cute enough, Osmond ran up to the camera and said, “Honey, if you are watching, I’m sorry.” Then Shepherd did the same and had a different message for his wife, Debbie, “If you’re watching, I’m not!!!”

If Shepherd keeps having awwdorable unpredictable moments like this one on her show, she is going to be around for a long time. And I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Sherri Shepherd takes over Wendy Williams’ timeslot
February 22nd, 2022 under Sherri Shepherd, Wendy Williams. [ Comments: none ]

Sherri Shepherd, Fox Television Stations, and Debmar-Mercury announced today that, as expected, the actress will be taking over Wendy Williams’ time slot in September. Shepherd says that she is not replacing the ailing talk show host because her show Sherri will be different. How different, they have the Summer to work on that.

This was not an easy decision for the production company. “This is also a bitter-sweet moment for us and our partners at FOX. We all have a great love and affinity for Wendy, who grew into a true icon during her 12 incredible seasons as the solo host of a live, daily talk show dishing on ‘Hot Topics’ and interviewing celebrities,” Debmar-Mercury Co-Presidents Mort Marcus and Ira Bernstein said. “Since Wendy is still not available to host the show as she continues on her road to recovery, we believe it is best for our fans, stations and advertising partners to start making this transition now. We hope to be able to work with Wendy again in the future, and continue to wish her a speedy and full recovery.”

Williams will not be back to wrap up her show due to medical issues. Instead, they will continue to have guests, including Shepherd, fill in until the season finale.

UPDATE: Wendy Williams’ publicist Howard Bragman released a statement to on his client’s behalf. “It’s been a challenging time for Wendy as she deals with her health issues. She is incredibly grateful to Debmar-Mercury, to Sherri and everybody else who has supported the show through this time.

“She, more than anyone, understands the reality of syndicated television — you can’t go to the marketplace and sell a show that’s the Maybe Wendy Show. She understands why this decision was made from a business point of view, and she has been assured by Debmar-Mercury that should her health get to a point where she can host again and should her desire be that she hosts again that she would be back on TV at that time.”

UPDATE 1: Wendy Williams contradicted her publicist’s statement. To read what she wrote, then click here!


Will Sherri Shepherd be Nick Cannon’s sixth baby mama?
February 14th, 2022 under Nick Cannon, Sherri Shepherd. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Cannon has eight children with five different baby mamas, and Sherri Shepherd might be lucky number six. That is because he asked her to be his Valentine, and she said yes.

Personally, I think it is genius on Cannon’s part. That is because he hosts a daytime talk show, and Shepherd is slated to take over The Wendy Williams Show in September. Therefore, if he gets her pregnant, he would be eliminating his competition when she goes out on maternity leave!


Wendy Williams is out for the season, Sherri Shepherd set to replace her
February 8th, 2022 under Sherri Shepherd, Wendy Williams. [ Comments: 1 ]

Wendy Williams Show/Instagram

Wendy Williams hasn’t hosted a single episode of her daytime talk show this season, and according to what a source told People, she won’t be back before it ends in May.

“Wendy won’t be returning to the show for the rest of this season. Her healing is going slower than everyone had hoped. She continues to deal with a number of medical issues, including Graves’ disease, and she and her team are taking it one day at a time,” the source says.

“But reports of a stroke, drugs or addiction issues or a dementia diagnosis are all false. Whether Wendy can return in the fall will depend on how her healing goes over the summer. Her health is the most important thing,” the source adds.

The magazine posted this information after TMZ reported that producers are about to sign Sherri Shepherd, who has successfully filled in several times, as a permanent replacement for the show’s 15th season. However, it will most likely get a new name as it should.

TMZ says that the door is still open for Williams to return to her job if she is healthy enough in September. But, I think that is just talk because Williams’ contracts end in May.

They probably can’t make it official until her contract ends because she is on medical leave and can sue them for firing her when she is sick with many ailments, including Grave’s Disease.

Is the news a surprise? Nope. What would you expect any employer to do if the face of their company was out for six months and counting with no return date? At some point, everyone has to move on.


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