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Sarah Jessica Parker actually looks beautiful!
September 19th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 1 ]

I can't belive I am saying this, but Sarah Jessica Parker looks amazing. Maybe all she needed all along was show up to premieres in normal clothes and not those over-the-top dresses she wear. Plus her hair and and makeup are really working on her. Hopefully she will incorporate this look more often!

Matthew Broderick…Like Father, Like son!!!
September 16th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 1 ]

How cute is that picture of Matthew Broderick and his son riding scooters in Manhattan! I love that they even have matching helmets! 
I guess they are Scootering in the City!!!

Sarah Jessica Parker not the one only having Sex and the City in her marriage?
July 23rd, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 2 ]

The Star is reporting that Matthew Broderick was caught cheating on his Sex and the City wife Sarah Jessica Parker with someone almost half their ages.
The beloved actress was frantically searching for hubby Matthew Broderick one night earlier this year, he was having sex in the city with a gorgeous redhead half his age, the young woman told a friend.
After meeting in a bar, Matthew began text messaging the 25-year-old youth counselor, says the woman's pal. Soon after, the insider claims, they began seeing each other and things got passionate quickly when they met at the Manhattan townhouse of a showbiz friend.
That kind of explains why we haven't seen the two together recently, but then again you rarely ever see them together. 
To find out more details about the rumored affair, pick up this week's Star on stands now. 

Spot the difference on Sarah Jessica Parker’s chin
July 16th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: none ]

(top photo from WireImage)
Sarah Jessica Parker had her signature mole removed from her chin.
“It’s true. She did have it done," a friend of Parker tells "There was no reason for it, it wasn’t because she didn’t like her mole, and it wasn’t because of any medical reason, it was simply because she was in the mood to have it removed. That’s all.”
Good for her for doing because she wanted to and not because of all the nasty comments made about her. 

How do men feel about seeing Sex and the City?
May 29th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: none ]

Canadian Club Whiskey asked men how they feel seeing Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda in Sex and the City: The Movie and here is what they had to say.

According to a recent survey commissioned by Canadian Club Whiskey, the liquor of choice for masculine, sophisticated and unpretentious men everywhere, four out of five men have no plans to attend the Sex and the City movie, with 41 percent of men saying they would not be caught dead in the theater on May 30th.

That is too good not to post!
BTW I might be a girl, but I agree with four out of five men! If there is one of those men would like to see something else this weekend like Indy 4 and drink some Canadian Club Whiskey let me know!!!


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