Like all of the other broadcast late night hosts, Seth Meyers is a Straight White male. That means he cannot tell jokes about Lesbians, African-Americans or women. But he found a way around it, he has two of his Late Night writers, Amber Ruffin and Jenny Hagel, tell the punchlines. Ruffin is an African-American female and Hagel is a Lesbian.
I know I shouldn’t laugh at this segment, but it hard not to. Especially when they tell a joke like when the NBC host starts it off with, “The TV Drama Person of Interest came under fire recently for killing off one of the show’s Lesbian characters,” and Hagel finishes it off with, “It is unclear who killed her, but a few suspects have been fingered!” Get it?
If Seth had told that joke, we wouldn’t be talking about who he banned from his show the other night, instead we would be talking about how he is out of job.
I am grateful he got to tell that joke and the one about The Tonys because after the week we have been having, we all need to laugh and this did it for me.
Yesterday on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Lena Dunham, Anna Wintour and Cyndi Lauper all had messages for their younger selves and we learned something about each of them. Did you know that Girls is the female version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? That Anna Wintour got a tattoo of a duck on her forehead? And what is really fun for Cyndi Lauper?
While those reveals are all interesting things to learn about them, I wish Vogue’s Editor in Chief would’ve told herself not befriend someone named Kanye West.
As we know, all the late night hosts on broadcast television are very White males. That means they have to be careful with what type of jokes they tell, especially when it comes to women, African-Americans and/or Lesbians. Seth Meyers found a way around that on Late Night and that is to have an African-American woman and a Lesbian tell the punchlines he can’t.
The results is a lot of funny jokes, that you can laugh at but can’t repeat!
BTW I love this segment and I hope that the NBC host makes it a weekly thing. This segment’s second time out was even funnier than the first and that one was pretty hilarious.
Of the 5 late night hosts on broadcast television, they are all White Straight men. Because of the color of their skin and their sexual preferences, there are some jokes that they cannot tell that would be really funny to hear if we could.
Yesterday on Late Night, Seth Meyers had an African-American woman to one side and a Lesbian to the other. Then he had him deliver the punchlines, which he can’t. Don’t believe that he can’t, wait until he tries to tell one of those jokes.
Now I don’t want see Meyers go (believe I don’t), but he is right, we need to have a more diverse late night. So when CBS decides not to renew Stephen Colbert’s contract (which is my personal opinion), then maybe they will brave enough to make the change that is desperately needed.
What do you think after watching this funny yet poignant bit? And are you hoping that the NBC late night show does this segment more often? I know I am!
Easter Sunday started off normal enough for Seth Meyers and his very pregnant wife. Then, Alexi started having back pains two weeks before she was due to have their first child. When the pain didn’t stop, he called the doctors who told them to go to the hospital. Taking their advice, they packed, called Uber and went on their way.
Tariq the Uber driver drove them as Alexi screamed at the top of her lungs all the way to Lenox Hill Hosptal. Tariq kept him calm throughout it all and got them their safely.
When doctors checked Alexi, they realized she was fully dilated. It was time for her to have the baby. Since it was Easter, several of the nurses and doctors were wearing bunny ears. Meyers thought it was cute and his wife couldn’t give a dang. She was preoccupied with giving birth to that child.
Eventually, Ashe Olsen made his debut into the world and they couldn’t be happier. But the NBC Late Night host wasn’t ready to be a dad. When he was filling out the baby’s paperwork and they asked for the father, he didn’t realize that they were talking about him.
Now he knows he is a father; and by the smile on his face, you can tell love he has been loving the last few days of his life most of all.
With this very sweet and touching tale, Meyers solidified his place in late night television. If you are not watching, then you are missing out on someone that has grown to be one of the best hosts of late night. And he’s only been doing it for less than two years!