Fame Flynet Pictures
Sacha Baron Cohen is in Cannes to promote his latest unfunny movie The Dictator and it doesn’t look like it will be smooth sailing for him. He took George Clooney’s ex Elisabetta Canalis on a boat ride, and it ended it as good for her as it did when she broke up with the Oscar winner. Instead of leaving the way she came on the boat, the Dancing with the Stars “star” was thrown overboard in a black plastic bag after laughing at his tiny pen!s. I mean you can’t blame her, it just seems that men with small dicks make up for it by being big ones. And after seeing Borat and Bruno, I think his little Dictator is the only funny thing about him.
Before Sacha Baron Cohen was torturing unsuspecting people in his movies like Borat, he was torturing people knowingly on Pump TV. I totally didn’t recognize the 24 year old actor in that 1995 game show.
The trailer for The Dictator is out, and I am hoping the film makes like Saddam Hussein, Kadafi and Osama bin Laden and dies a slow painful death. Maybe I am still not over that dick twirling scene in Bruno, but I seriously wish Sacha Baron Cohen would stop making unfunny and hate filled movies.
Dang what is happening to me, I used to like movies like that, but he destroyed that for me. Dang you Borat, Bruno and The DickHater.
Fame Pictures
Did Sacha Baron Cohen finally get a job fitting of his movies like Bruno and Borat? You know working with trash. Sadly nope it is just him taking out the garbage for his latest trashy film The Dictator or as I like to call it The DicKtator.
Seriously am I the only who is still emotionally scarred from Bruno? I still have terrifying flashbacks from that scene where the d!ck goes around and around.
Fame Pictures
Many people have wanted to see Sacha Baron Cohen go down face first and eat some dirt and now thanks to his latest movie The Dictator we will. Sadly they put some padding down, so he didn’t really get hurt.
Will I see his new movie? Nope because you know the expression “fool you once shame on you, fool you twice shame on me?” well that is I fell after seeing Borat and Bruno. Now images from Bruno that I thought I finally got out of my head are back. If you saw the movie, you know which one is really going around and around and around in my head.