Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rolling Stones
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Anyone else think the Stones tour is cursed?
June 16th, 2006 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

Stones tour to go on despite Wood reports Thu Jun 15, 4:15 PM ET LONDON (Reuters) – The Rolling Stones tour due to start in Italy next month will go ahead on schedule, the band’s spokeswoman told Reuters, despite reports that guitarist Ronnie Wood has been admitted to an alcohol rehab clinic. ADVERTISEMENT "The Stones are absolutely going ahead on tour beginning July 11 in Milan," spokeswoman Fran Curtis said by telephone from the United States. "I can confirm that for you because I got a note saying see you all there," she added. She did not comment on reports that Wood had been admitted to an alcohol rehab clinic in London, and referred enquiries to the band’s London-based representative who was not immediately available for comment. The tour was initially delayed when fellow guitarist Keith Richards had to have brain surgery after falling out of a tree onto his head while holidaying in Fiji.


Seriously, Keith Richards falls out tree…Ron Woods is in rehab…What is next Mick Jagger sticks his tongue somwhere he shouldn’t??? 

But I would see them in a heartbeat!!! Wouldn’t you??? 


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