Here comes the MasterChefs cooking down the aisle! |
June 23rd, 2014 under Gordon Ramsay, Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p on Fox, the MasterChef competitors help a couple say I do by preparing their wedding meal, and one of the two teams wants to divorce one of their members before the ceremony even begins. If you have been watching the season so far, then you know they are out to get the captain, Stay-at-Home Dad Leslie, but do they have enough to get rid of him? Or will his team wind up winning the competition in spite of him?
Then once we know which team won the night, it is time for the pressure challenge. Just when you think you know what it is going to happen, the MasterChefs surprise not once but twice. And by the end of the night, one of the Chefs is tied to a steak and sent home. Yes, there was a hint in that previous sentence…
Tonight’s MasterChef is the best and most shocking one of the season, so you don’t want to miss it.
Robin Williams feeds himself! |
June 9th, 2014 under Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]

Robin Williams Instagrammed this photo of himself feeding a Howler Monkey, and made a big reveal. That little guy at the San Fransisco Zoo is named after him! Which makes sense since both of them are covered from head to toe in fur and they are both too cute for words, so why shouldn’t they have the same name.
Seriously, can this photo be any more awwwwdorable? That is why I just had to share it with you.
This might explain why Mrs Doubtfire is suddenly getting a sequel? |
April 25th, 2014 under Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]
Mrs Doubtfire made a cleaning last year, because the 1993 movie was the most aired film in basic cable. According to Variety it aired a whopping 66 times. Why this picture over Love Actually, The Breakfast Club, Star Wars and/or Forrest Gump to name a few, I don’t know. It could be because it was the 20th anniversary or it could be because people love it so much. Either way, I am sure it helped fuel the sequel that is in the works.
So I guess if we want a sequel to some of our other favorites, we have to convince the basic cable networks to air that film over and over and over again.
Which movie do you want to see over and over again on basic cable? I wouldn’t mind a third Eddie and the Cruisers!
Robin Williams is getting ready to play Mrs Doubfire again! |
April 17th, 2014 under Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]
Even though it has been 20 years since Mrs Doubtfire came out, that isn’t stopping Fox 2000 from doing a sequel to the movie according to The Hollywood Reporter. Although this has been in the works for over a decade, the sequel finally has a writer with a plan that is good enough to get Robin Williams and Chris Columbus to want to do it. The question really is, should they? I love the original and just don’t know if it needs a sequel. The only feasible plot I could see is if Williams’ character opened a business teaching other men how to dress up like a housekeeper so they can see their kids too. Other than that, I don’t see how they will be able to clean house at the Box Office with it.
Now having said all of that; if the movie has Robin Williams, then I am going to see it.
Pam Dawber & Robin Williams talk about reuniting on tonight’s The Crazy Ones! |
April 10th, 2014 under Mark Harmon/Pam Dawber, Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 9:30p on CBS, it is reunion that is almost 32 years in the making, Mork & Mindy aka Robin Williams and Pam Dawber are reunited on his show The Crazy Ones.
I was on a conference call with my childhood idols earlier this week, and Pam said to us, “If people want to see Mork and Mindy back together, then they’re going to see Mork & Mindy back together.” To which Robin responded with a sexy smile by saying, “Big time!” Robin’s response to that could be because he spoiled us about the first scene he has with his former-TV wife. He said, it is something they couldn’t do on Mork & Mindy, so he was like “Welcome back!”
And welcoming her back is something he lovingly did because he told us, “It’s kind of wonderful just to see Pam after so long. She looks the same which is so so wonderful. I was like ‘Wow!'” Wow, is right because she looks just like she did when their sitcom ended back in 1982. And he has aged just as beautifully.
And it was also like welcoming back an old friend when they worked together, or as Pam put it “It was like an old shoe.” To which Robin added, “Some of them more loosely, it’s nice that way.”
In fact, it was seeing her old friend that convinced to her do the show and she said she didn’t do it to be back on TV. She told us, “I was so excited to be with Robin, to see Robin, then to potentially work with Robin. That’s why I did it, not to get back in to Show Business.” Even though she isn’t jumping back into the acting saddle, she let us know she wouldn’t mind returning to the sitcom if they asked her to be on it again. So when CBS makes the smart decision to pick it up for a second season, they better find a few episodes for her to guest star on.
So what did they talk about when they got together on the set? Pam said they were talking about their recently deceased TV son, Jonathan Winters, and she told Robin that they are actually older now then he was when they worked with him on the show. Back in 1981, she thought he was an old dude. Robin then added that they now have children that are as old as they were when they started on Mork & Mindy, to which Pam responded by saying, “You do…” Her oldest son is about 2 years younger than she was when she started on the show.
She told us, that that son asked her a few years ago when he was going to meet her former-TV husband. So when she went to the set she brought him along to meet him. It was a life memory for him, so it obviously went well.
As I mentioned, when I was kid I worshiped Mork & Mindy. So I was beyond excited when I asked them a question and Pam shared a very memorable experience from the show. She told us a story about when they went to Boulder, Co, before the first episode aired, to shoot the opening for Mork & Mindy no one cared that they were there. Then when they went back for season 2, “It was like the freaking Beatles were in town.” They’re lives were forever changed because of their alien/human love story.
I have to tell you when I was kid, all I wanted to do was be friends with them. After talking to them both on that conference call on Monday, I want to be friends with them even more. Robin as we know is the funniest man in the world, and Pam was so down to Earth (no pun) that you couldn’t help but love her.
And you are going to love love love seeing them together again on The Crazy Ones tonight at 9:30p on CBS!
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