Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe
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Want to be in a Hot Pursuit with Sofia Vergara & Reese Witherspoon?
February 12th, 2015 under Modern Family, Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe. [ Comments: none ]

When I heard about Hot Pursuit, I thought it was going to be absolutely awful. Then I wacthed the trailer for the movie, that stars Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoon, and I can’t wait to see it on May 8th. The two actresses have a real galmance going on and it shows.


Reese Witherspoon has an earful of Sofia Vergara’s chest!
February 11th, 2015 under Modern Family, Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe. [ Comments: none ]

Sofia Vergara shared a photo of herself with Reese Witherspoon’s head on her chest and many many men are jealous of the Oscar winner. So what is going on here? We will have to wait until their movie Hot Pursuit comes out on May 8th.
Who needs a trailer when you have a photo like this. I am sure this one frame will convince more people to go see their film than 90 seconds of video could ever do.


Do Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoon have something to tell us?
June 19th, 2014 under Do they have something to tell us?, Modern Family, Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sofia Vergara Tweeted this photo of herself handcuffed to Reese Witherspoon and I have to wonder if they have something to tell us? No, it is just a scene from their upcoming movie. But let’s be real, for a second it was fun to imagine that there was. Right?
BTW Reese looks really comfortable in handcuffs. Oh yeah, this isn’t her first trip to the rodeo with them…


Jim Toth seemed more rationale than Reese Witherspoon during the arrest
May 3rd, 2013 under Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe. [ Comments: 1 ]

TMZ got a hold of the dash cam video of Reese Witherspoon getting arrested and it is a pretty interesting watch. Her husband, who was handcuffed on suspicion of DUI, was more calm than she was at the time. In fact after she went off on the cop, Toth told him “I had nothing to do with that.” To me it felt like he was trying to distance himself from her.
Then today TMZ got video of the two of them talking after they were handcuffed and Toth told Reese that she is the one that made the arrest national news. Even though he was supposedly drunk enough to arrested for DUI, he had a really clear head on about what was going on.
Now when it comes to her confrontation with the police officer, I have to admit that I think the cop overreacted by arresting her. Yes she was wrong the way she treated the officer, but he was also wrong to take such an extreme force of action against her.


Do you buy Reese Witherspoon’s apology?
May 2nd, 2013 under Reese Witherspoon/Ryan Phillippe. [ Comments: none ]

Reese Witherspoon was a guest on Good Morning America today and she opened up about her arrest that happened almost two weeks ago. She apologized for her actions and said it will never happen again. To me the actress gave an Oscar winning performance as she kept saying she was sorry for the way she acted. I just thought it just felt so rehearsed and not sincere. What do you think?
Oh and my favorite part in the interview is when she said “I think, I played a lawyer in a movie so many times I think I am a lawyer. And, clearly, I’m not a lawyer because I got arrested.” I think that was the most real thing she said during that interview.


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