Paris Hilton a lipsyncer? |
August 21st, 2006 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]
Ashlee Simpson has LOST her title as Hollywood’s lip -synch queen to Paris Hilton. Paris hosted a record launch party Friday at Privilege and she amazed her audience by having the colossal nerve to mouth the words to her music! The only real words out of her mouth made up her opening comment "You’re all bitches!" She lip synched half a dozen songs from her album and the crowd grew increasingly restless. Many were mocking her behind her back. Her album got decent reviews, but insiders say there will never be a tour or personal appearances – Paris’s voice is too wispy and requires monumental enhancement.
Janet Charlton
I do not believe it. Who I am kidding I so believe it!
Paris Hilton previews her fall wadrobe |
August 18th, 2006 under Celeb Oops, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]
Look at that guy cop a feel.
Paris Hilton’s TV career going to the dogs? |
August 17th, 2006 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]
Puppy loving Paris Hilton has landed herself a new TV show which will attempt to find the US’ best looking pooch. America’s Cutest Pup will see heiress Hilton joined by her favourite canine chum Tinkerbell for her biggest TV job yet.Auditions for the show start next month and plans are afoot to bring the show to the UK in the future.A show insider told the Sun: “It will be a bit like the new Liza Tarbuck TV show Britain’s Top Dog – except the emphasis will be on cute little dogs rather than daft mutts.”“Contestants from all around the US will enter their hounds into a national competition to find the best. Viewers will vote for their favourites and Paris will host.”
Female First
Didn’t she get rid of Tinkerbell because she got too big?
Paris Hilton just loves to expose herself |
August 6th, 2006 under Celeb Oops, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]
Someone needs to buy her some granny panties ASAP because I am sick of looking at her vayaya.
Paris feelings hurt by TMZ readers |
July 20th, 2006 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]
Paris Hilton says she cries sometime after reading the cruel comments about her posted on TMZ.In an exclusive interview Wednesday, after finishing a meeting with her publicist Elliott Mintz, Hilton agreed to talk to TMZ’s Harvey Levin about thousands of messages TMZ users have posted, many of which are, as Hilton says, "mean and sadistic."Levin asked Hilton about such comments as, "Paris is just an overused human condom," "Paris is like a fart in a mitten. You know it’s there, you can’t stand it, but you can’t get rid of it," and "Would you please drop over dead or commit suicide you damn slut."Hilton said "I’m far less promiscuous than any of my friends." As for the infamous sex tape with ex-lover Rick Solomon, Hilton said "I’m judged because of something that an ex-boyfriend did to me. I’m not a slut at all."Hilton says that many of the TMZ comments are "very hurtful" to her and that some make her cry. She says "They think I don’t have any feelings."
I guess it is one thing when it is the press and bloggers making comments, but coming from the readers it really hurts her? WTF?
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