Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton
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Charlotte Church says no to Paris Hilton
February 19th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Paris Hilton demanded a staggering $500,000 (€384,000) to appear as a guest on Charlotte Church’s British talk show. The singer was stunned by the 25-year-old’s diva behaviour and turned her down flat. Church says: "Before the first series, Paris Hilton tried to demand £250,000 (€384,000) to come on the show. "I certainly don’t agree with what Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan do. There’s no need to go out without your knickers on."

IOL (story) and The Charlotte Church Show (photo)

Good for her! Why should someone pay Paris Hilton to talk it is not like she has anything to say. 


I think Paris Hilton does this stuff on purpose
January 9th, 2007 under Celeb Oops, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

As you can tell yesterday was the first warm day we had here in LA in a long time so I guess we will be seeing more female private parts again. Where is a cold front when you need one???

We find out today if Paris Hilton will get jail time for her DUI arrest?
January 9th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]


Paris Hilton is to be arraigned in Los Angeles today on drunk driving charges. She is not required to appear in court because the charges are misdemeanors. Hilton was pulled over last September seventh for driving erratically. She reportedly told officers that she had had one drink on an empty stomach. She was on her way to get a burger when she was stopped. Hilton said she hadn’t eaten all day because she was filming a music video. The hotel heiress and socialite has no prior DUI arrests. If convicted, she could be sentenced to six months in jail and fined one-thousand dollars. The minimum penalty for a first-time offender is a fine, probation and rehab.

Access Hollywood (story) and TMZ (photo)

I bet she gets off with doing some lame version of community service.


Seriously? Paris Hilton thinks she can become a good actress
January 8th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Look out, Meryl Streep. Paris Hilton is going to start taking this acting thing very seriously. The “House of Wax” star has landed a new role in a film called “The Hottie and the Nottie” and says she’s been working hard to prepare for the role of a hot girl who refuses to get married until her not-hot friend finds a sweetie. “I’m serious about acting and I have a bunch of movies lined up,” the partying Heiress told Hello! magazine. She has even been reading the thespian book: ”The Power of the Actor.” “I think I can become a good actress,” Hilton explained. “It’s something I want to prove to myself and to other people. I feel I’m getting better and feeling more confident about what I can do as an actress.”


I don’t even think with the best training in Hollywood she could be anything more than an marginal actress.


Is this what ended Britney and Paris’ friendship?
January 4th, 2007 under Britney Spears/KFed, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Britney Spears was tricked by Paris Hilton into thinking she had jeopardised her chances of ever having an orgasm again. While the two 25-year-olds were partying at Los Angeles club Area the ‘Toxic’ singer lit the filter end of her cigarette which flared up as she inhaled. Paris then apparently told her it would damage her ability to climax. A source revealed to the National Enquirer magazine: "Paris told Britney, ‘Oh my God! Don’t you know that lighting a cigarette the wrong way and inhaling stops the blood flow to your private parts, and doing it more than once means you may never experience orgasm again!’ "Britney was horrified and ran around for about ten minutes asking everyone if they had ever heard that and what she should do about it." Finally Paris stopped giggling and told Britney it was a joke, saying: "I had you going, didn’t I?" The ‘Baby One More Time’ singer slapped her friend on the arm and they then had a play fight.

Bang Showbiz (story) and X17 (photo)

Probally not, but what a great story! Britney is so guliable! 


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