TMZ got a statement from Paris Hilton's new lawyer that she just hired because well her other one didn't get her a get out of jail free card. Now we will see if her new one will be able to what her others one couldn't.
"After reading the media's coverage of my court hearing, I feel the need to correct what I believe are misperceptions about me. I absolutely realize how serious driving under the influence is. I could not live with myself if anyone was injured or killed while I was driving while impaired. Clearly, no one should — no matter how slightly.
I am ready to face the consequences of violating probation.
No one is above the law. I surely am not. I do not expect to be treated better than anyone else who violated probation. However, my hope is that I will not be treated worse."
That statement so feels like it was written by her new lawyer.
(photo from Flynet Online)