The Judge sentenced Paris Hilton back to jail to serve her 45 day sentence. When Paris heard the news she was shaking and cried hysterically, "It's not right!" and screamed, "Mom!" Paris then had to dragged out of courtroom according to eye witness.
The Judge was way unhappy and she made matters worse by making him wait two hours to come in to court today. The Judge said he heard the arguments and he is remanding her for the rest of sentence. A court spokesperson said the Judge did not know who issued that teleconference. There is not tension between the Sheriff's office and the Judge. The Judge never approved her to do her time at home. The Judge was mad that she was late and he was upset when he heard over the radio via Harvey Levin and TMZ that she was going to do her court appearance from phone.
Greta Van Susteren on Fox News said Paris looked ill and looked to be suffering from a medical condition. She said she was shaking and twitching. Greta seems worried for her, but then again Greta befriended OJ so she might not be best person to weigh in her opinion.
TMZ is saying her lawyers will file an appeal. The Judge might have ruled differently if the sheriff's office let him.
I can't say I am happy she is going back to jail because how can you be, but it is something she needs right now. Hopefully it will change her and she will finally understand what normal people go through. She is not above the law and neither are the likes of Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan. They need to realize that and maybe now they are.
OK, so I was waiting to post whether or not Paris Hilton was ordered back to jail until after she was. This morning it was announced that Paris Hilton and the Sheriff's office had arranged for her to call in to court as compared to actually going in. I don't know why they thought they would actually be able to get away with that. Needless to say the Judge and the Prosecuting Attorney were none to happy and they ordered the Sheriff's office to get her pampered a$$ into the courtroom ASAP. They are now on their way to pick her up and bring her in ASAP according to KTTV. Sadly though she will be entering the courtroom from an underground parking lot, so we will not see her.
As of 9a, the sheriff's office has not picked up Paris Hilton from her house. I hope she is enjoying her last private shower for the next few weeks because you know the Judge is going to throw the book at her, especially after today's antics.
UPDATE: She has still not left her house at 9:48a
UPDATE: At 10:15a a handcuffed Paris Hilton finally leaves her house to go to court in the back of a black and white.
OK, so all day I was joking that there would be a party at Paris' from the next 39 night, never thinking it would actually be true. But according E! News' Samantha Harris it is. Harris spoke to Hilton's friend Caroline D'Amore and when she asked about a bash at Paris' tonight she said, "You know, (it's) just friends and hanging out and giving her hugs and kisses and stuff like that, so I hope that I can be a part of it but we'll see… as soon as she's ready and gives me a call, I'll come by, bring some food, hang out. I 'm working every single day right now (on her new movie) so it's kind of crunch time and crazy, but we will find the time." Yeah jail changed her.
But if the Prosecuting attorney and Judge Sauer have their way she might be going back to jail tomorrow. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo filed a motion today requesting that she go back to jail because the Sheriff's office did not follow the Judges law that was issued on May 4th when he said she must serve her time in jail and he especially said no electronic monitoring. Judge Sauer will hear the case at 9a tomorrow and he ordered that the Sheriff's office bring her to court. She better not be late again. Sounds like she is going back to jail don't you think?
It is all in Paris Hilton's head, at least that is what law enforcement is telling TMZ. They added that she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and that is why she was "reassigned." Psychiatrist Charles Sophy who was counseling Paris told the sheriff's office that her mental state was frail and she was at risk. Let me ask you, who wouldn't be in that position? She got off so lucky and this is such BS because you know she is home sleeping, watching TV and calling and BlackBerrying her friends right now. It is like when you ground a kid and their room is full of all the good stuff like TV, games, cell phone and computer, how is it grounding the kid? In fact TMZ has learned that her house arrest does not come with any provisions on how many guests she can have over and how much she drinks. That is so FUS. Like I said before party at Paris' for the next 39 nights.
In a statement obtained by TMZ by her lawyer Paris Hilton had this say:
"I want to thank the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and staff of the Century Regional Detention Center for treating me fairly and professionally. I am going to serve the remaining 40 days of my sentence. I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope that others have learned from my mistakes."
What could she learn in 3 days? Even though they are counting her days served as five? She will be no different.
I am glad that LA officials are upset about this. L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe and the Sheriff's Union have already spoken out about how unhappy they are about her reassignment.
On a side note, because of almost everyone's negative reaction to Paris' release, I wonder if this means very bad news for her co-star and good buddy Nicole Richie? Will she be the example that celebs don't get special treatment?
UPDATE: The SF Examiner is reporting that neither the Judge or the prosecuting attorney agreed to her reassignment. "The judicial process may have been improperly circumvented in this case," said City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo. "This explanation is puzzling. Los Angeles County jail medical facilities are well-equipped to deal with medical situations involving inmates." And Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini spoke for Judge Michael T. Sauer, "He did not agree to the terms of release that the sheriff proposed." Sheriff Lee Baca who set Paris free is currently up for re-election, he does not have my vote and I am sure he lost a lot more today.
Paris Hilton is free after serving only 3 days. Paris Hilton was released from jail early because of medical reasons. The PIO from the LA Sheriff's office did not say what the medical reason were because he is prohibited by law to disclose it. He added that she was not on suicide watch.
Even though Paris is out of jail, she was was fitted with an ankle bracelet and is confined to her home for the rest of the sentence. He said she will not be allowed to leave her house even for work. She is confined to her house for 40 days, so I guess party at Pairs' for 39 nights.
The PIO said she was not released, just reassigned.
I just have to say that the PIO is a like a double talking Preacher/Lawyer, he is just painful to watch. And most of the questions need to be answered by the parole board, who of course were not there. KTTV said it best that is the funniest press conference they ever saw.
I think it is BS that she was released early and able to serve her time at home. This will not change her and not teach her and her former and current friends attitudes. She will think she will get away with anything.
So what do you think the medical reason is for release? And why did she get special treatment? Is that fair to the other prisoners?