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Naomi Campbell arrested again!
April 3rd, 2008 under Naomi Campbell. [ Comments: 3 ]

(file photo from WireImage)
Naomi Campbell was arrested again today at an airport, but not for hitting her assistant over the head with a cellphone according The Sun.

Naomi first kicked off in BA's first class lounge after being told that one of her three bags had not made it onto the flight.

Despite apologies and assurances she would be reunited with her luggage, the temperamental supermodel flew into a rage.

She began harassing airline staff who called cops as the flight was called and Naomi walked onto the plane.

She was still yelling at boarding card staff as she took her seat.

Three officers from the MET's SO18 Aviation security branch then came onto the plane.

They tried to calm the model down, but she is alleged to have reacted by spitting at an officer and then laying into him with her fists.

Frenzied Naomi was bought under control after a struggle and then physically hauled off the plane.

Cops were called and she was heard screaming "get off me, leave me alone" before she attacked one and was taken away to Heathrow police station.

An eyewitness said: “She attacked a male police officer and spat at him and she was taken to the airport police station”.

I wonder what was in those bags, probably clothes and jewelry costing more than a majority of us make in a year. If that is the case I could understand why she got so mad.
BTW where is all the cellphone video of the scuffle and arrest. You know that is out there and I can't wait to see it.

A Naomi Campbell nip slip
June 22nd, 2007 under Celeb Oops, Naomi Campbell. [ Comments: none ]

To see the NSFW version click here!


Naomi Campbell ends community service in style
March 23rd, 2007 under Naomi Campbell. [ Comments: 1 ]

You can't say she didn't make doing community service fashionable. Note to NYC Judges let them do it outside next time, it is fun for us to watch them serve their time cleaning up a mess!

Naomi Campbell is so not dressed for community service
March 19th, 2007 under Naomi Campbell. [ Comments: none ]

(Photo from AP)
Naomi Campbell began her five day sentence of community service in Manhattan dressed like that. Seriously what is she thinking by wearing stilletos to mop floors. I am sure they are going to give an orange uniform like they did for Boy George, but I doubt they will give her shoes. That has to be a sight to see her trying to clean the pier, I wish the Judge had sentenced her to work outside like Boy George. But because of all the press following his every sweep the Judge decided it was better for her to be inside according to WCBS. Major bummer, don't you think?

Naomi Campbell sentenced like Boy George!
March 6th, 2007 under Naomi Campbell. [ Comments: none ]

The dastardly diva is scheduled to report for cleanup duty on March 19 at the gray cinderblock facility at Pier 36, on Montgomery and South streets. She'll sweep, scrub, and tidy up, all while in indoors, away from the prying press, according to a law-enforcement source. "This is not a desk job. She'll be mopping floors," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Campbell was hit with five days' community service for striking her maid in the head with a Nokia cellphone – "accidentally," she claimed. The judge in the Scolavino case bowed to Campbell's wish that she fulfill her community service indoors so as not to stir up a media circus – much like Boy George did in August, when his court-mandated street-cleaning gig, also on the Lower East Side, drew scores of reporters. But Naomi will still have company. She'll get down and dirty with other community-service workers, an employee at the warehouse predicted yesterday. "She'll have to wear a safety vest, and gloves and boots, because you could step on nails and glass," said the porter, who asked his name not be used. "But they're going to take good care of her. They don't want a lawsuit on their hands," he said.

NY Post 

I am so bummed she will not be outside like Boy George because those were some fun pictures!


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