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Psy is preparing for Gangnam Style’s end!
December 31st, 2012 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you are so sick of Gangnam Style. Well Psy told MTV News that he is ready to let the song gallop into the sunset. He said, “Being in Times Square on New Year’s Eve is already special — it’s the biggest stage in the universe — plus it’s my birthday, so, with all that, it may be the ending of ‘Gangnam Style,'” Then he added, “I mean, what better way to do it? It’s my biggest and most meaningful birthday.”
While it won’t be the end of him performing the song completely, it is in its final lap so he can work on some more music. He doesn’t want to be a one hit wonder like those other bands whose songs we dance to at weddings and Bar Mitzvahs like the Macarena, the Electric Slide and so on.


Everybody Hurts II
December 14th, 2012 under Michael Stipe, Music. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Michael Stipe continues to walk red carpets with the most depressing expressions, and yesterday he added another sad picture to the collection at On The Road premiere. I am not sure if it was his normal sad face, or it is because he heard how he sounded at the 12-12-12 concert. The haunt in voice was gone and that made me hurt.


Everybody Hurts
December 4th, 2012 under Michael Stipe, Music. [ Comments: none ]
Michael Stipe was out yesterday for an event and he looked like he needed to hear his song Shiny Happy People ASAP. What’s the Frequency, Stipe? Why do you look like It’s the End of the World as We Know It? It’s OK to smile, we won’t think any of less of you.


This is the most watched video on YouTube…
November 24th, 2012 under Music. [ Comments: 7 ]

Dear Susan Boyle, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, You have all been dethroned by PSY on YouTube. His Gangnan Style music video now holds the title of Most Watched according to NDTV. That horse riding dance has been viewed over 805,055,375 times. OK so now that almost everyone in the world has seen that dance, can we please please please move on to the next musical fad?


I guess you can tear INXS apart
November 12th, 2012 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

After 35 years of being together, the death of their voice in 1997 and a reality show to find a new singer, INXS has finally decided to call it quits. Yesterday at a concert in Perth Jon Farriss announced that that would be their last show together as a band according to Sidney Morning Herald. No reason was given for their sudden split, but if you ask me it was 15 years too late. They should’ve ended the band after Michael Hutchence died. Without him they were never ever the same, he made them. He was a presence that could never be duplicated, no matter how hard they tried. I saw them in concert with him once and he really knew how to put on a show. For the encore he called the audience, and I do mean the audience, on to the stage and it was crazy. I never saw anyone do that before and never saw anyone do it again. Sadly a short time afterwards he was no longer with us. It was such a tragic loss to the music industry and still is.


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