Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Michael Jackson
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Michael Jackson hospitalized
June 25th, 2009 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Splash)

Michael Jackson has been hospitalized for cardiac arrest according to E! and it is not looking good.

“The call came in because a person was not breathing,” says a spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department, who declined to ID the singer by name.

“When the team arrived, they saw that CPR was already in progress by someone at the home. The person not breathing was transported to UCLA Medical Center and remains there.”

“He had a heart attack,” father Joe Jackson tells E! News. “He is not OK.

“His mother is on her way to the hospital now to check in on him.”

TMZ is reporting that he passed away, but I pray they are wrong. Pray for him.

CNN is reporting that Michael Jackson is in a coma.


Michael Jackson postpones his London dates
May 20th, 2009 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Dear Customer

This afternoon Michael Jackson show producers will be announcing the rescheduling and change of the opening shows in order to meet the challenges presented by such a large and technically complex concert.

Please allow us to apologise. It was not an easy decision to change the schedule but in the end we wanted to ensure that all of Michael’s fans attending the concerts get the same quality in staging and level of entertainment.

We are writing to let you know that the 12 July concert that you purchased tickets for at the O2 arena is now scheduled for 3rd March 2010. The tickets you receive will be printed with the rescheduled date and you will have the same seat originally purchased. You do not have to do anything as you will be automatically allocated the same seats and moved to the revised date.

We understand the inconvenience this may have caused and for this reason we have secured some excellent hotel deals for Michael Jackson fans travelling to London on these rescheduled dates. Please contact our official travel package provider Thomsonexperience at [email protected] or call on +44 (0)20 74621563 for discounted deals on hotel beds in London. We can offer a 10% discount on all hotel bookings. Quote ‘Michael Jackson rescheduled dates’ in order to claim the offer.

If you cannot attend the revised date and want a full refund including booking fee, please contact us at [email protected] or via our Michael Jackson Support line on 0844 277 9982.

Tickets will be dispatched closer to the event date.

Thank you for your understanding. Michael, who is directly involved with all aspects of the styling/choreography/band selection and rehearsals, is working around the clock to ensure this is the show to end all shows! We look forward to seeing you on 3rd March 2010.


Ticketmaster – sent on behalf of AEG Live

My poor friend Sophia just got this E-Mail that Michael Jackson has postponed his dates in London from July to March. I know we all thought it was going to be miracle that he was going to be able to do any of his 50 dates, but now it doesn’t look like he will be doing any of them.
I feel bad for all the people that bought tickets to see him like Sophia and her friend Picksysticks who not only bought concert tickets but she also paid for plane tickets and hotel accommodation.
Beat It Michael Jackson you are a Thriller no more. You are Bad.
Sophia has made a plea that anyone who bought tickets and are affected by this postponement complain to AEG how much it stinks that show isn’t going on because of the “technically complex concert”. Heck even if you didn’t get tickets still complain to them for her.
BTW who believes that is why the shows were postponed? I think it has more to do with his visit to the Medical Center yesterday.

(photo from Splash News Online

UPDATE: He only cancelled 4 dates…for now. If someone from AEG could find it in their hearts to exchange my friends’ tickets from July 12th to the 13th they would be much obliged. That or at least return her phones calls and/or E-Mails.


A family that wears masks together…
April 28th, 2009 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: 1 ]

Michael Jackson took his kids, at least I think it his kids because I can't tell if its them behind their masks, out shopping. Is just me or do the boys look unhappy with their masks? Seriously he should get them some cool ones like an Iron Man, Terminator or Michael Jackson or something like that!
BTW on a positive note for Michael Jackson, he was ahead of the times with the mask thing. Look how many people are now donning the same look thanks to the media scaring the sh!t out of us with the swine flu.

This is It for Michael Jackson
March 5th, 2009 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: 2 ]

(presser starts at 5:00 in)

Michael Jackson announced today that he will be doing his last 10 concerts ever at London’s 02 in July…:( I think I might have to cross the pond to see him before he dies because even not at his best he is still Michael f*cking Jackson!!!
BTW when did his voice get so deep???
Here is the poster that they are sending out after you sign up for the pre-sale tickets at

Now over to CNN, the former-Most Trusted Name in News, covering the story with the most boring anchor on TV Tony Harris doing something I can’t understand.

Seriously am I the only who thinks that anchor sucks and wonder why he is still on the air?


Michael Jackson maskless
February 28th, 2009 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: 11 ]

I think we can put those rumors to rest that Michael Jackson is dying after seeing these pictures. He looks pretty healthy to me now that we can see his face.

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