Last night Dancing with the Stars loser Melissa Joan Hart was on Jimmy Kimmel Live talking about finally being eliminated from the show.
So Jimmy Kimmel asked her, “At any point during the competition did you consider using witchcraft to help you?”
She bitchily said, “Whoa, hold on. That joke is like 1996, I think so…”
So he brilliantly responded without hesitation, “Yeah, but you know what, so are you. To be honest!!!” My hat is so f*cking off to him for putting her in place like that!!! She deserved that! Clap clap!!! And a snap snap!!!
I think that part of the reason why she was eliminated off of Dancing with the Stars is she never came off as likable. It never felt like she put that much effort into the show and dancing and she always seemed that she was standoffish to me. I never found a reason to vote for her and she was actually one of the names we heard of. Probably because she was one in 1996!!!
Seriously it is sh!t like that that makes me love Jimmy Kimmel! So check him tonight and every night on ABC at 12:05a and I will be there tomorrow to watch Rod Stewart hopefully perform on the show!!!
UPDATE: For all of you Twilight fans on November 20th Robbert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will all be on the show the same day New Moon comes out. I wonder if Jimmy Kimmel knew when he hired Kristen’s father all those years ago that it would come back to really help him with this amazing get!
Melissa Joan Hart was so happy she made the cover of People Magazine to show off her bikini figure, that she didn't want anyone to take her off of it. Page Six heard a rumor that Melissa Joan Hart was "overheard off-cam era at KTLA in Los Angeles on Friday saying how she'd been hoping last week that cancer- stricken Farrah Fawcett wouldn't die — and thus bump Hart off the cover of People magazine." Lucky for Farrah, Melissa Joan Hart got her wish.
BTW Melissa Joan Hart had an issue with the article and took to her MySpace blog to clear up what she didn't like about it.
People Article update Current mood: hungry
Hi all, Just want to explain a little more about things discussed within the People article. While the article is correct and properly quoted, I want to point out that I naturally have a small-frame body, being only 5'2" tall, so 155 pounds was an unhealthy weight for me, even with a baby. My "normal" healthy weight should remain under 120 lbs. More importantly, what was left out of the article was my body fat percentage, which is currently just under 18%, which I am extremely proud of right now. I am also fitting into my size 27 jeans. Stepping on a scale means nothing to me since muscle weighs more than fat. What matters is how I feel on a day-to-day basis.
Melissa Joan Hart clears up the Page Six story on her MySpace blog, do you think that sounds like she didn’t mean what she said because she is confirming that she said it.
My apology to Farrah
Current mood: crushed
It has come to my attention that something I said has been completely misconstrued in the press. I was merely explaining what I had read about how the cover of People magazine was chosen from an article last week I read in the Times. I truly hope that Farrah and her family know I wish them the best at this time in her life. And that I would never be so selfish to disrespect anyone, let alone someone I admire greatly.
Melissa Joan Hart is the latest star to grace the cover of People Magazine in just a bikini and she looks great! She says that after seeing her unflattering pictures of her last summer she decided to lose the extra baby pounds she put on after having her two sons. After a year of dieting she took off 42 pounds with diet and exercise and doesn’t have to worry about bad shots of her this season.
For more how she lost the weight pick up the latest People on stands this Friday.
Melissa Joan Hart told PopWrap that she was offered $1,000,000 to pose for Playboy and she explains to them why she said no.
PW: Are you the kind of person who can find a silver lining even in that kind of situation? Melissa: Oh yeah, you gotta move on. But I think my decision through really carefully and try to see them from every angle. Like with my Maxim cover — I almost began regretting that in 1999 because it blew up into this huge scandal where I was going to be fired and sued.
PW: What made you say yes to that? Melissa: I was 23 years old and willing to be sexy to promote my movie. Plus, I went through a time where I was a little wild. I actually showed up at the photo shoot from the Playboy Mansion, so it was like, "oh big deal — bra and panties, that's what I saw everybody in all night." I had no idea how big that was going to be.
PW: So if you learn something from every mistake, what did Maxim teach you? Melissa: I learned that I didn't want to do Playboy. They came around and offered me a million dollars, which I had to seriously consider. Initially it's like, "yeah, I'll take my clothes off for a million bucks, are you kidding?" It's the big question: what will you do for a million dollars? But I decided that because of the reaction I got from Maxim I wasn't comfortable — and my brother had that cover shoved in his face for months. That made me say no.
Could you imagine her doing Playboy? There is something wrong about Clarissa/Sabrina the Teenage Witch taking her clothes off for Playboy. But I guess that was her point.
Would you do it for a million dollars? And what would you do for a million?
Melissa Joan Hart opens up to Bonnie Hunt on The Bonnie Hunt Show about being rejected for both Dancing with the Stars and The Dog Whisperer. MJH tells who she thinks who took her spot on DWTS and who it was will p!ss you off as much as her.
Hart goes on to tell Bonnie that she also got turned down by Cesar Milan “The Dog Whisperer.†She explains that they came over to her house and told her that her dogs weren’t bad enough. Hart told them, “Ok…so the dog chewed his way through the screen of the window, broke into my house and pooped on the floor and that’s not bad enough for ya?â€Â
Poor Melissa. MJH also talks to Bonnie about growing up in Hollywood. Sounds like it is going to be an good interview and Bonnie Hunt has such a warmth about her that you know it is going to be interesting. Plus Smallville’s Erica Durance is going to be on the show, hopefully she will spill some secrets!!!