This is what Lindsay Lohan looks like in bed! |
April 4th, 2015 under In Bed, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder what it would look like waking up next to Lindsay Lohan in bed? Now, thanks to this photo that she posted on Instagram, you know.
You know what, she looks so much cuter without makeup. In fact, she looks her age and not like some who is twice her age. Don’t you agree?
Lindsay Lohan tries to break the internet! |
March 7th, 2015 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

Lindsay Lohan tried to do a Kim Kardashian by breaking the internet. Unlike Mrs Kanye West, she did it with her clothes on. In fact, Lohan showed a lot of skin, but her outfit is SFW. Not only that, her outfit is a lot classier than the black dress Kardashian ripped off herself to reveal her greasy body.
I never thought I would be saying Lindsay is classier than someone else, but in this case I am.
Is Lindsay Lohan gunning for Justin’s Beiber job? |
January 25th, 2015 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

Lindsay Lohan is reportedly sick with Chikungunya, but that isn’t stopping her from taking bathroom Selfies. In her latest one, she is wearing a cutoff shirt and her Calvins showing off how slender she has gotten as she fights this incurable illness.
Now back to the Calvins, isn’t posing in them while taking Selfies how Justin Bieber got to be Calvin Klein’s spokesperson. I wonder if Lindsay is trying to do the same?
Lindsay Lohan’s Calvins are showing! |
November 23rd, 2014 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when Lindsay Lohan used to not wear underwear, well those days are long gone. The Love Bug Instagrammed a photo of her love bug being covered with a pair of Calvins. Now if only we can get her to the point when she doesn’t show us she is wearing panties that would be a great thing. At least it is a step forward, and that is all we can ask for.
Lindsay Lohan looks more alive than ever! |
November 1st, 2014 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Lindsay Lohan dressed up as a vampire for Halloween and she looks livelier than we have seen her look in ages. Don’t you agree?
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