Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Kardashians
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Kim Kardashian wants you to know her face hasn’t aged
January 3rd, 2015 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian shared this side by side photo of herself, one side from when she was just 7 years old and the other one from now. Proving she hasn’t aged a day in 27 years. I don’t know if I should be impressed or saddened. I am leaning towards being saddened because ageing a little bit is a good thing.


Kim Kardashian has specially made seats to keep her seat!
December 31st, 2014 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

We all know that Kim Kardashian’s biggest asset, is her a$$et. So that means she will do anything and everything to protect it. According to OK! she has gone even as far as having specially made toilet seats, car seats and whatever else type of seats out there for her bum. The source also told the magazine that she requests the custom made powder room seats to be available for her when she travels.
Another source revealed that she got derriere in such good shape with exercise, laser treatments and fat that was lipoed from tummy and thighs injected into her butt.
So if you are going to go through all of that effort to make your biggest asset the biggest a$$et, I guess you will waste lots and lots of money to make sure that it stays that way. And to think there are children starving all over the world, and her money could help feed some of them. But I guess it is more important to make sure she has a tucas that weighs as much as one of them. Sorry, it’s the end of the year and I guess I am in a more charitable mood; so it pisses me off when people blow it on such stupid stuff when they can actually do good with all of that green. OK, getting off my soap box now!


So that is why Kim Kardashian rarely smiles?
December 29th, 2014 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you thought that Kim Kardashian never smiles because of all the Botox she is rumored to have injected into her face. We are wrong. Today, she revealed why she barely smiles and it is because she fears of getting wrinkles from them. That is so sad to me. I’d rather smile and get wrinkles than never to smile and be wrinklefree. What about you?


Do Scott Disick and Khloe Kardashian have something to tell us?
December 29th, 2014 under Do they have something to tell us?, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Scott Disick Instagrammed this photo of himself holding hands with his baby mama’s sister, and I have to wonder if they have something to tell us? According to his caption, it sounds like they do because he said, “I’m in love with the koko.”
But I think it is an innocent form of love, especially since he just had his third child with Kourtney less than a month ago.
But for a moment those krazy Kardashians got to play a little prank on us. You know, just like when Kim Kardashian had a huge wedding when she married Kris Humphries and then filed for divorce from him just 72 days later.


Kim Kardashian looks different without makeup
December 20th, 2014 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian shared a picture of herself looking for something to wear, but all I could notice is how different she looks without her face on. To me she looks at least 10 years older than she is and more importantly like a completely different person. If she didn’t say it was her, I would’ve thought it was Kourtney.


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