When bad pictures happen to good people: Nicole Kidman |
August 14th, 2013 under Bad Photos Good People, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Nicole Kidman walked the red carpet at the Hollywood Foreign Press Associations 2013 Installation Luncheon yesterdat and one of the photographers took a bad photo of her. I am not sure it is a “if looks could kill” face or a “make love to the camera” one, but either way it is not good picture of the normally stunning actress.
Did Keith Urban leave Aussie’s The Voice for American Idol? |
September 13th, 2012 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Keith Urban spent the summer Down Under being a mentor on The Voice and today he announced that he will not be returning for a second season. Nicole Kidman’s husband released a statement saying, “I’ve been so fortunate to have been a part of The Voice, and as much as I’d love to do it again, it’s clear that the recording and promoting of a new album, a tour, and other commitments will keep me from being a part of the second season.” I am wondering if that other commitment he is referring to is American Idol. Afterall the singer has been rumored to be one of the judges on the show.
Personally I don’t really care if he is or if he isn’t, but I just wish that the Fox singing competition would announce the new set of judges already. I mean it seems like every musician has been up for the job and it’s like they can’t even get anyone to do it so they had bring Randy Jackson back. If I were Randy I would’ve said no because I would’ve been like what am I dawg food?
Seriously Fox just take anybody at this point and let’s move on with already. And on that note can you name the hosts of The X Factor already, so we can’t stop wasting thoughts on that too.
Nicole Kidman proves she still has a body To Die For |
August 22nd, 2012 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: 1 ]

Nicole Kidman posed for V magazine and the 45 year old has never looked as beautiful as she does in these photos. I don’t know what Mario Testino did, but he definitely Bewitched her. Doesn’t she look fabulous and then some?
BTW doesn’t that top picture look like a Patrick Nagel painting? I would die to one of his beautiful pieces of art!
Stop the presses The Paperboy trailer is out |
August 1st, 2012 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]
The trailer is out for The Paperboy and as much as I like the cast; I will treat like the daily newspaper and I will forget it exists. Instead of running to see the film when it comes out on October 5th, I will wait until it is on Netflix so I can watch Nicole Kidman pee on Zac Efron. Or better yet I will wait until someone uploads that clip, so I don’t have to sit through John Cusack not looking his best.
The many faces of Nicole Kidman |
May 29th, 2012 under Keith & Nicole Urban, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet Pictures
Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey and Lee Daniels were on Canal+’s Le Grand Journal to talk about their upcoming movie The Paperboy and by the looks of The Stepford Wife’s face she is Bewitched by it. Either that or they are talking about filming the scene where she pees on Efron during sex. But then shouldn’t The Lucky One be making those face then? Unless he is in to that sort of thing?
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