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Sunday Rose is getting so big!
March 14th, 2009 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: 2 ]

Nicole Kidman took her little daughter Sunday Rose out for a girls day out! Sunday Rose is just so cute!!!

Nicole Kidman giving up acting?
November 18th, 2008 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo from WireImage)
First Angelina Jolie, then Jessica Alba and now Nicole Kidman says she is considering giving up acting for her kids according to

"In terms of my future as an actor I don't know," she said.

"I'm in a place in my life where I have had some great opportunities but I may choose to have some more children.

"…There are many things I want to do besides act."

Nicole made the big announcement at a press conference for Australia, the movie that might become her biggest film to date. It will be interesting to see if she feels the same way after the dust from the film's success settles. I doubt she will be giving up acting anytime soon.


Nicole Kidman shows off Sunday Rose
November 11th, 2008 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: 1 ]

Nicole Kidman finally showed off a picture of her baby girl Sunday Rose with Keith Urban yesterday on Oprah. And just like her name she is beautiful!!! What a little sweetie!!!

Sunday Rose is so beautiful
September 26th, 2008 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

We are finally get a better look at Sunday Rose's face and she is just beautiful. She has Keith Urban's eyes and Nicole Kidman's coloring! Too cute!

Nicole Kidman blames the water for her pregnancy
September 23rd, 2008 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)
You know the expression what's in the water when several people get pregnant that work together, well Nicole Kidman is asking just that according to The Daily Telegraph.

"I never thought that I would get pregnant and give birth to a child but it happened on this movie," Kidman told The Australian Women's Weekly.

"Nothing happened in a small way on this film … We had heat and torrential rains and equine flu and then I got pregnant.

"Seven babies were conceived out of this film and only one was a boy. There is something up there in the Kununurra water because we all went swimming in the waterfalls, so we can call it the fertility waters now."

Wonder if that water is really fertility waters because if it is it should be bottled up and given to women all over the world. But chances are it was just luck that 7 women who worked on the movie Australia all conceived. 


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