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Caption Jessica Simpson!
October 14th, 2009 under Caption the Celeb, Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Jessica Simpson looked to be in shock when she was asked a certain question on the red caprtet. Since we don’t have any audio, caption what you think the question could’ve been?

Winner of the last Caption The Celeb:

Crankston wrote for Caption Tyra Banks and Chris Rock…“Chemical Science is so Sexy!”


When and how did Jessica Simpson become a fashion model?
September 4th, 2009 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: 3 ]

Splash News Online
Some fashion designer named Ozlem Suer thought for some reason it was a good idea to use Jessica Simpson as a fashion model. Oh wait, it was because people like me are giving her free publicity by posting the pictures of Jessica Simpson wearing the dress, trying to be all sexy and show off her leg. Seriously Jess keep that thing covered, and please don’t expose it on or off the runway. BTW what’s up with the sour puss face? Did she just find out that Tony Roimo is dating Chace Crawford’s sister?


Jessica Simpson for American Idol?
August 17th, 2009 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)
Jessica Simpson replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol? Well that is if her father Joe Simpson has his way, she will be the 4th judge on hit Fox reality show. According to Page Six the proud papa is pushing his daughter on the producers of AI. No word from the producers if they are taking his calls. After reading that Joe is trying to get Jessica on the show actually made me root that the rumors that Posh Spice might be the one replacing Paula are true, but I really hope they aren't.

UPDATE: Good news!!! Joe Simpson just Tweeted that he is not trying to get Jessica Simpson on American Idol! Let’s all take a sigh of relief!!!

So, I am in thailand… But, of course, the post says I am in town trying to get ;ess to be the replacement for paula abdul…. Do the lies ever stop????


Tony Romo dumped Jessica Simpson the day before her birthday
July 13th, 2009 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from D Magazine)
Major ouch of the week, Tony Romo dumped Jessica Simpson the day before her 29th birthday. According to In Touch Magazine she was hoping for an engagement ring as a present and that was not the gift he had planned for her. The two argued and decided to part ways. She was planning a Ken and Barbie themed birthday party, but without her Ken she decided to call it off. Dang imagine the pictures we could've gotten from the festivities.
Hey now that both Nick Lachey and her single again, maybe they will get back together! I wouldn't mind watching Newlyweds 2.0!

Jessica Simpson dressing a little better for her weight
February 8th, 2009 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: 4 ]

Jessica Simpson took off the tight black pants and oversized belts and put on short shorts and a T-Shirt. While the look is not perfect, it is making her look thinner than she has been. 

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