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Say goodbye to Jericho tonight…:(
March 25th, 2008 under Jericho. [ Comments: 3 ]

Tonight is sadly the series finale of Jericho because CBS saved the show, but then buried it on a day and timeslot that was certain to kill the show. So I say thanks for bringing it back, but dang you for the way you handled its return.
So please tonight tune in to CBS at 10p and let Jericho go out with nuclear size bang! Let’s show CBS what a mistake they made time and time again with this show.
Thank you to the cast and crew for this is amazing show Jericho!


CBS kills Jericho again
March 21st, 2008 under Jericho. [ Comments: 2 ]

CBS has told Jericho that Tuesday’s episode will be the series finale according to TV Week and I don’t think all the nuts in the world can help this show get a third season.
I think that the end of Jericho is CBS’s fault this time around. First they waited to long to bring it back, second they brought it back amidst reruns because of the strike and did not get the promotion it needed, third they put it in their death slot Tuesdays at 10p and finally they just didn’t do enough to promote it. CBS thanks for bringing it back for a second season, but dang you burying the show and then killing it.
Thanks to everyone who worked on Jericho for this show!


Hawkins is about to be caught on CBS’s Jericho tonight?
March 4th, 2008 under Jericho. [ Comments: 1 ]

Hawkins receives another call from his mysterious new contact, John Smith, who continues to know his every move, and who informs Hawkins that he is one day away from being caught by Major Beck.

Hawkins risked getting found out to save Jericho and now it looks like that risk was too great and he has a 24 hours before he is caught. I hope he doesn’t get caught because I love his character on the show, but it is time for someone else to die on the show…
So please please please tune into Jericho on CBS tonight at 10p the ratings are down and we need to save this show. So DVR/Tivo it, but also watch it live! Long live Jericho!!!


Jericho is finally back tonight on CBS at 10p!!!
February 12th, 2008 under Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

When news broke that Jericho was cancelled, I so hated CBS. Then I joined in and sent them nuts to save my favorite show of last season and CBS listened to us fans and decided to bring back Jericho! So tonight find out why me and so many other people fell in love with this amazing show!
Please Please Please watch Jericho on CBS at 10!!!
Maybe if we show networks not cancel the shows we love the sunflower seeds campaign might just work for 4400!


Jericho’s first table read of the season!
January 31st, 2008 under Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

OMG! How cool is that? I love that they showed the first table read since we the fans saved Jericho! And I love even more how the meshed the table read with the actual scenes from the show!
BTW please don’t forget to watch Jericho on February 12th on CBS at 10p! By watching Jericho you will help to make world peace a little more of a reality. OK, maybe that is going too far but we can learn from the show the negative effects of nuclear war. Wow that was deep, but seriously Jericho is an amazing show, why else would us fans have gone so nuts over it!!!


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