Fox loves Gordon Ramsay and the money he brings to their network. So they announced today that they picked up Next Level Chef for not one but two more floors, I mean, seasons. That will bring the show’s total to four seasons.
“Serving up two more orders of Next Level Chef was an easy decision on the heels of an incredible sophomore season, propelled by its historic post-Super Bowl debut,” said Allison Wallach, President, Unscripted Programming, FOX Entertainment. “Gordon has orchestrated a series that brilliantly demands skill and creativity in a tri-level pressure cooker, delivering high stakes, high drama and some of the most innovative cooking I’ve ever seen.”
“I’m so thrilled that we’ll be bringing two more seasons of Next Level Chef to FOX,” said Ramsay. It’s the culinary gauntlet of cooking competition shows and we’re excited to continue to raise the bar!”
Along with NLC, Ramsay also hosts Hell’s Kitchen, MasterChef, MasterChef Junior, and the upcoming Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars on Fox. The latter debuts on May 24th.
I wonder when he is going to add a sixth show to their schedule. And what it will be about. What is left? I am sure we will find out soon enough.
Nathan Evans, the man who sings the Sea Shanty, is going to be a guest on Next Level Chef tonight at 8p on Fox, and Nyesha Arrington, Richard Blais, and Gordon Ramsay sing the tune with him. Well, not exactly because the MasterChef said, “I’m definitely not singing any #seashanty’s on #NextLevelChef tonight…I’ll leave that to @nathanevanss!!”
So what will the contestants be doing tonight? They will be making an alcohol-based dish. They better make sure they grab the right wine for the fish and meat from the platform if that is the drink and protein they choose.
I can’t wait to see how many of them chug the leftover alcohol as they prepare their dishes for the Chefs! I would totally get wasted because you know it is the good stuff!
If you are like me and you have been missing Kitchen Nightmares, then you are going to be happy to hear that it is back on Tubi.
Since Gordon Ramsay is so busy with all of his other shows he is doing, he has passed the baton to a new chef. That chef is Former US Army Master Sergeant and White House Chef, Chef Andre Rush, and he is the Kitchen Commando.
As Ramsay said, he has the hugest arms he has ever seen. And after watching the first three episodes, I can tell you his heart is just as big.
Each week, Chef Rush is going to go to a new restaurant, and he will try to save it from closing. Of course, some are easier than others. Because it is not only about the food but it is also about trying to save the families from imploding due to the stress of working all the time.
In the first episode that is streaming now, Chef Rush is going to work with a couple and try to save their seafood restaurant Crab Boss. They have been working so much that they don’t have time to see their 1-year-old daughter. The reason why they are working so much is that they are going through like they do customers. And the customers are not loving the food.
What is Chef Rush going to do to help save this couple’s restaurant and their marriage? All I will say is that his four Ps are different than Ramsay’s. Because of that show has been revived with a new spirit.
When it comes to all the owners he has contact with, I find it interesting they think can they can ignore a chef who served in Army and worked for four presidents. If he could work in the White House, he can work anywhere, and he is afraid of no one.
As much of a nightmare it is that Ramsay has moved on, Chef Rush is a dream in the kitchen. You are going to love him as much as the presidents do!
So check out Tubi every Sunday for the next 9 Sundays for a new episode of their first reality show. If this is what they are doing with their first show, I can’t wait to see what else they give us.
Gordon Ramsay has more cooking shows than items on a menu and more restaurants than the cost of the bill at one of them. So does he cook for his family at home?
His daughter Tilly ratted him out on Next Level Chef in the UK and revealed, “Dad, literally, never cooks at home.”
Then to make matters worse for the MasterChef, she showed off her family’s Shepherd Pie. Do you want to know what the secret to it is? It is her mom’s recipe.
So there you have it? If the Ramsay children want to taste their dad’s cooking, they have to go to one of his eateries. And even there, someone else is making it.
Tonight at 8p on Fox, we are going to find out who won MasterChef: Back to Win. Will it be Christian, Dara, or Michael? I am hoping for Dara.
Another thing I was hoping for was another season of the cooking reality show. And today, Fox announced it will be back for a lucky 13th season. Unlucky for us, Aaron Sanchez and the fake way he says Spanish words will be back. Thankfully, so will Gordon Ramsay and Joseph Bastianich.
If you think you have what it takes to be the MasterChef, then you can apply here. Who knows, I could be writing about you being on the series.